Princess Charming

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I'm BACK! Thanks to all that are reading! Shoutout to PercyJacksonisGr3at for responding to the questions correctly and giving me a base for this story! Comment your ideas if you would like a shoutout!
A: Mellie

This is a friendly one with Piper and Leo. After TBM, but kinda like TTT does not exist. Set at her new house. Piper's POV. 

I ran through the fields barefoot, even though the rocks dug into my feet. As I neared my small house, I saw a figure of a small scrawny boy with his arm around a girl that was beautiful even from afar. The girl was pointing to my vegetable garden and turned to the boy and proceeded to talk about what I assumed to be my plants. As I neared, I saw the familiar face of one of my best friends, Leo although I still did not recognize the girl. 

"Leo! How have you been?" I said as I slowed to a stop in front of him
"You know me, I'm always awesome! How are you holding up Pipes?" He said as he gave me a hug, which was very unlike him
"I'm getting better. Who is this? I don't believe we have met."
"Oh, this is Calypso. She was imprisoned on a magical island by the gods a few millennia ago and I saved her! That's where I disappeared to after I died."

I shook her hand, but she pulled me into a short hug, whispering condolences to me as I let a small tear fall. We went inside and decided to lighten up the mood, so we played Sorry and ate Leo's tacos that he made while I explained the game to Calypso, after learning more about her and guessing that she had no experience with this game. 

After a bit, Leo got bored with the game and tried to throw his napkin in the trash with his back facing the bin. Instead of flying over our heads, it hit me square in the face, bringing on a full-on wrestling match as soon as I dove across the table at him. We rolled on the floor laughing and tickling each other. By the end, my stomach hurt so much that I laid down on the floor so I could breathe, right next to Leo, who's nose was on fire again. Meanwhile, Calypso had taken out some needles and was weaving an intricate pattern that looked like a greek chiton, but in a light yellow instead of white. 

At the end of the day, I set up some logs in our fire pit and Leo lit them up. We traded stories and sang songs from camp, laughing and at some point, I even cried with Leo's various stories with Jason. I was so happy, I momentarily forgot about my friend's loss. I realized that this is the way to heal. One step at a time, one moment to another. 

What did you guys think? What should I do next?

Q: What was Aphrodite's "gift" to Piper when she was claimed?

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