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Hello! I feel so productive! So many chapters in a short time! Comment your favorite chapter so far!

A: "You shall go west, and face the god who has turned, You shall find what was stolen, and see it safely returned, You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend, And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end."

This is another prompt, writing about a character that embraces their ugly side. This is from Third Person, about the whole Aphrodite Cabin. Enjoy!

Cabin 10 sat in a silent circle.  Tears were streaming down the faces of a few. No one dared speak. They were all processing what had just happened. One of Cabin ten's campers finally snapped after being belittled because of who her mother is. One of the Ares campers had continued bullying her, asking her if she would hurt him with her makeup brush. The other campers had to pull them away from each other before things got ugly. 

They sat in silence for a few minutes and Piper McLean, the head of the cabin finally spoke up. "I think that we should go around and say something beautiful about the personality of the person to the right and something we ourselves should work on. After that, we are going to the training arena and learn some basic moves. Just because our mother is all about beauty and love does not mean that we can't fight." 

So it went. Piper started, saying that Lacy was one of the kindest people that she knew and that she herself should work on not judging people immediately. Around the circle they went, until they got back to Piper.  With that, she got up, grabbed her dagger, and told them to change into athletic clothing (she said that if they had none, to dig through her clothes) and to meet her at the arena in 15 minutes. 

15 minutes later, all of Cabin 10 was gathered in the arena and was learning a simple jab. Piper showed with all kinds of weapons (except archery of course, since we were not at the archery range). They practiced for hours, until the dinner bell rang. They spared, learning new moves not just from Piper, but the seven, and some other campers. They trained for months, learning to fight, climb, camoflauge, etc. They were all the best at camoflauge, using their makeup knowledge to their advanteges. 

After a year of training, every single Aphrodite kid was just as proficient at fighting and other demigodish activities as any other cabin (not including the Hypnos cabin, they were always asleep and not the Athena and Ares cabins because, they are litterally kids of gods of fighting). They were respected and Piper was always proud when she saw an Aphrodite camper take down someone from another cabin, remembering how useless they had felt with their parentage and how they turned it around. They were beautiful in battle. They loved beating others when it was least expected. That was what the Aphrodite cabin was. Beauty and Love, but in a new way. 

I feel AMAZING!!! I can't believe that I thought of this as a response to this prompt! FEAR ME MORTALS! I AM THE DEMIGOD OF SOME WRITING GOD/GODDESS!!!!!!! *clears throat* Anyways, comment if you liked it and if you have a prompt for me or just a genral idea! Who should be in my next one?

Q: What is Piper's father's name?

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