Midnight cravings

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A: Mrs. O'Leary
This next one is after all three series, and it is a demigod one. Hazel's POV.

As I stumbled blindly through the kitchen, my stomach growled loudly enough to wake up all of New Rome. As I finally found the lights, I switched them on and smiled at the sight of my round belly covering any view of my feet. As I finally reached the freezer and opened it up, I smiled to see that Frank had gone out and gotten more Kitkats to freeze so they were better than regular Kitkats. 

I bent over the counter to eat my treat because my baby bump was too big to let me fit in the stool. While I was dusting the crumbs off of my nightshirt, I saw a figure standing in the doorway. I raised my fists in a defensive stance, knowing that even though I was pregnant, I could throw a hard punch.
"Woah, slow down. It's just me," my husband's soft voice made me immediately put down my hands.
"Sorry, I didn't know" I replied guiltily as he stepped close to me and bent over to give me a peck on the nose.
"What are you doing up in the middle of the night? I woke up and couldn't find you! I was worried!" he said sweetly
"I was hungry," I said shamefully because even though I was already 7 months pregnant, I was always ashamed when I had cravings. "Oh! She's kicking!"

Frank put his palm against my bump and waited a few seconds before he smiled brightly, feeling the soft thump of the kid inside of me. "If you are done, would you like to come back to bed and get sleep? We're going to Half-Blood Hill tomorrow and you will need your energy," Frank said as he laid his chin on my shoulder. 
"I'll come, just let me shut off the light," I said, realizing how tired I was. 

As I pulled the covers up to my chin and smiled at the thought of our daughter, whom we decided to name Bianca Angel Zhang and surprise Nico with it and the name of Godfather. I was excited to see the little bundle of joy and to have her in my arms after waiting for months. With that, I fell asleep. 

What did you guys think? I take suggestions and stuff for ideas!

Q: What is the name of Hazel's mom?

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