I said thank you, I designed it.

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Wassup guys I'm Back for another chapter! Don't forget to vote, share, comment, and follow! Love you all! 

A: A makeover

This is from Annabeth's POV. She is showing the seven all of the changes she made to Olympus after the second Titan war (although this is way after HoO. Please pretend like this is after THO, and none of the other books exist after it.)

As I walked up to Olympus, hand in hand with Percy, I half skipped, half walked giddily as we opened the doors to the Empire State Building. "Six hundredth floor please," I said to the security guard who was sitting at the desk.

"There is no Six hundredth floor," the man said monotonously, not even looking up from his book, which had a small redhead on the front with braids in and she was standing in front of a country house. (A/N: Guess the book)

"Sir, I'm Olympus' architect, two-time savior, and I also went through freaking Tartarus to get here. My mother, Athena would not be happy that you are not letting me up. So, I say again. Six hundredth floor please."

The guy handed me the key after rolling his eyes, although he never once looked up from his book (I understood the feeling). We all waited in the elevator, with some guy singing in Italian filling the room as I bounced on the balls of my feet, excited to show my masterpiece. I hoped that one day, Bianca, Silena, and Charlie, our kids would be able to find as much joy in doing something just like I did with Olympus. 

As soon as the elevator doors opened, everyone's jaws dropped. As you exited the entryway, there was an arch that was made of marble with different decals on it, each one representing a quest that a demigod had died on. There was a small figure holding up the sky, a boat of monsters being blown up to delay war, a Kraken that was dying with a girl right by it, a boy whose eyes seemed to radiate power even in marble, just to name a few. There were thousands of heroes that I would never want the gods to forget, and this was the best way to do it. It was even magical, so if another demigod died on a quest (which was bound to happen), a memory of the quest would appear. As we looked over the arch, I saw a small tear slip down Percy's face. We were the only ones who knew a lot of these heroes. We would never be over their deaths and we would always remember them.

As we continued, my friends pointed out the little details of my handiwork. Everywhere looked like it should not be touched because it was so beautiful. There were temples all over Olympus of every single god, Olympian, and minor. It took a lot of googling, asking around, and even a promise of a cereal bar at camp to get every last one. Nymphs, Dryads, Naiads, Satyrs, and wind spirits were setting offerings at the feet of the statues of the gods. Each temple also held a plaque, so you could read if the god was Roman and/or Greek, what each of their names was, what they were the god of, if they helped demigods on quests, and how many children they had; alive and dead(separate counts) (that also was magical, I did NOT feel like counting exactly how many affairs Zeus had had.) 

In the throne room, there were the newly improved thrones and statues of each god or goddess a few yards behind them. Zeus' throne was crackling with energy; I could see the small sparks and pieces of lightning. Poseidon's throne smelled salty, like Percy, and was constantly changing color, representing different bodies of water all around the world. Ares' was blood red, with bones sticking out of the carefully structured seat, which he found surprisingly comfortable. Apollo's was gold with a boombox built-in and an arm that brought out any poetry book that he would like to read. Hephaustus' was the color of a fire, and it had tools on the sides and a magical material compartment a lot like Leo's tool belt so he could tinker during meetings. Hermes' chair had wings on the side, with a little button at the bottom that let George and Martha have a rat whenever they wanted. On the other side of the semi-circle, Hera's throne was silver with peacock feathers coming out of the top (although she still had not figured out how to stop the bright pink slime from pouring on her head every time she sat on it). Demeter's throne smelled and looked like a farm because there were vines with different things growing all over it, with a magical cereal dispenser on the side of it. Athena's throne was stormy gray, with a magical elevator shaft that made it so she could have any book that she wanted from the most beautiful library in the world, which Annabeth had also designed (also, the backs never cracked because they were MAGICAL). Artemis's throne was silver with a beautiful set of moose horns that hung from the back and her hunting dogs always one push of a teleporting button away. Aphrodite's throne was hot pink and SPARKLY, it had a 24/7 TV network where she could pick a couple and it would automatically let her watch over them, (though she told me that it STRANGELY did not work when she asked to see Percy and me.) Finally, Dionysus' throne was grape purple as the vines for the influence for the color clutched the sides and there was always a party hat that he could wear. 

Should I do a P. 2? What did you guys think? Bop or Drop? Have a great rest of your day!

Q: What was the name of Luke's boat? 

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