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Hey guys! I hope you are having a great Wednesday (or whatever day it is where you live)! Hope you enjoy the next story!

A: Tristan McLean

This is based on another prompt, writing about a hostage situation. It will switch POVs, so I will indicate that. Also, this is probably way after TOA. 

TW: Violence, Kidnapping.

Percy's POV

I was chilling out in the bedroom when I heard someone come in. Assuming that it was Annabeth, I just called out "Let me finish this level!" A few seconds later, a sweet-smelling cloth was being squished against my nose and mouth. I lasted about thirty seconds before I blacked out. 

I woke up in a large metal-lined room. I was tied with metal to a very uncomfortable chair. I started thrashing, even though it would do nothing to free me. I started hyperventilating, the edges of my vision turned black. Images of Tartarus, fighting Kronos, and the other WONDERFUL things that I had to go through to save the god's lazy butts. I needed Annabeth. She was the only one that could help me in times like this. She could reassure me that I was not alone. I felt so lonely right now. I wondered if she would find me. 

A familiar voice called from behind me, "Ah, seems that you are awake" 

My eyes widened. I had not heard that voice in years, ever since I was a teenager doing the god's bidding. As the queen of the heavens walked towards me, I cringed, hoping that I would not lose my memories once again. "Seems you are bored Hera if you are doing the same tricks. Taking campers? You have not done that for over two decades. I'm surprised that you even remembered how to get one without using a crazy prophecy, so well done!" I layered the sarcasm on really thick, so she could know just how I felt. 

"Perseus Jackson, you don't think that I'm going to make you get amnesia again? Oh, no! This is going to be better. I have a score to settle with Old Barnacle Beard. You are bait. Also, I hate your wife, so I decided to kidnap you because it would annoy her!" An evil gleam shone brightly in her eyes. 

"Well, we will see who will be laughing when both my dad and wife smite you. I would be wearier of Annabeth, but my dad is almost as powerful."

Annabeth's POV

As soon as Percy was missing for nine hours, I started to panic. I asked everyone we knew if he was with them and if they could help look for him. I called, messaged, emailed, and tried to locate his phone. I found it thrown on the floor, with his keys a few feet away and a video game controller laying on the bed with the player having died hours ago. 

I realized that he was probably kidnapped, seeing as how all of his shoes were still in the shoe rack and the placement of the things in his room. I crumpled on the floor, crying as flashbacks of my terrible adventures came to me. I knew I should get up and find him, but I could not. It was too much. I just cried on the floor, ignoring as Luke and Bianca (Her kids) tried to comfort me, not knowing what to say. 

Okay, that was really bad. Should I do a Part 2? Enjoy the rest of the week! 

Q: What does Percy have seared in his flesh?

Q: What do you guys think about me writing Theyna, Fierrochase, and/or Connor Stoll x Malcolm Pace stuff?

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