I believe you

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Wassup peeps! Sorry if the last chapter broke you, just doing my Author duties. Hope you enjoy this next one! Thanks so much for 250+ reads!!!!

A: Arion

This is supposed to start with the phrase "I believe you" Jason's POV. This is set right before TLO if there was a Roman POV for the first series. What happens if Kronos has a spy at Camp Jupiter too?

"I believe you," I say, not stopping for a second to question my choices. I knew that Kronos had a spy, but I was preoccupied with the upcoming battle. "Octavian, go get Reyna, I need to talk strategy with her. Tell her to hurry, we need to plan quickly." 

Ten minutes later, Reyna runs into the planning tent, dressed and ready for battle at any minute. "Jason, run me the plan so far." I looked around to see who we had around us before rattling off the plan. The only people that were there were Octavian, Lavinia, Reyna, Michael, and Cain all people that I trusted. 

"All right everyone, we are going to attack tomorrow morning. Please inform everyone we will attack, no telling the plan. We don't know who is the traitor." We ran off, gathering everyone in groups and getting ready to take on Krios and to beat the Titans once and for all. 

I'm gonna make a Part two to this, but if I don't publish this right now, I will forget. Sorry for not updating last week. I had to do several rehearsals because I am in a lot of productions and also, it was my brother's birthday so instead of writing, I celebrated with him. 

Q: What age was Jason sacrificed/given to Juno?

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