A knock on my door makes me pull a pillow over my head and close my eyes tight. So tight that I can hear the blood flow in my head. I've been in bed for who knows how long, because I feel disoriented and confused.

Nothing makes sense today. I don't even know if it's only been one day. I don't know how long it's been since anything. Memories are there but not in order or accessible.

"You're still in bed?" Mr. Franceschi says. Yesterday I heard someone say it and I think it suits him better than Josh so ever since then I've been calling him that- in my head at least. I wonder what he calls me in his head? Actually, I don't want to know. It's probably something mean.

"All yesterday and today? Should I be worried?" He asks. Yesterday I was in bed? Then it was the day before when I heard someone say his last name. I don't know...

I feel him sit on the edge of my bed and then see my pillow being taken away. I frown but then flinch as he puts his hand up. This makes him frown a little but he doesn't mention it. He checks my fourhead temperature with his hand and my eyes go to a bracelet I've never seen before. Probably because his he wears long sleeves and his wrist is never this close to my eyes.

It's got pretty green and blue stones on it. "You don't have a fever. Are you upset about something and just don't want to get up?" He asks so I shake my head no. "So you're physically sick?" He asks and I shrug.

I just don't feel good. I haven't thrown up or anything but my head and stomach are uncomfortable and my mind feels like that time I drank half a bottle of alcohol- that was my 16th birthday-

I sit up quickly because I remembered something but as soon as I sit up the details disaster. What's the significance in me remembering I drank alcohol for my 16th birthday?  I don't remember it and I can't think about it, it's just not there

"What are you doing? Are you going to be sick?" He asks ready to get up out of my way. I lay back down due to a sudden dizziness. I hold my head and close my eyes. It's so uncomfortable...

"Do you have a headache?" He asks and I nod. That's the closest thing he's probably going to be able to guess.

"I'll get you some medicine and dinner," he says getting up. It's hard to really remember but I think he's been buying me breakfast and dinner the past few days. Possibly a week? It's hard to tell.

I close my eyes for what seems like a second but obviously isn't because he's now sitting back down on my bed with food, a drink, and medicine. "That's your headache medicine and you AADD medicine," he tells me.

I know what my pills look like i'm not-... Well.. I might be special but I can tell what my pills are. I sit up slowly and take the pills and drink the soad he give me. He helps me open my fruit bowl and gives it to me before he opens the yogurt and stirs it up a little bit before giving it to me.

Very, very slowly I eat the food.

"So I talked to the people who help you get washed up and- oh they pissed me off so bad- they told me, that they gave you a shower on the 3rd but the 3rd was the day I had to get my keys back from you and that was past ten and I know they didn't give you a shower before or after that. So they are lying and you haven't gotten clean in over a week," he tells me.

I haven't taken a shower or a bath in over a week? That's... A while.

"It's already past 4pm and apparently they only work in the morning but don't worry. I'll help you," he says and I feel relieved.

I don't like the idea of someone helping me wash myself but doing it myself is not a option. The fake friendliness he's been treating me with really has worked. I trust him way more than anyone else here. The people who help me shower... They've done stuff to make me fear showers.

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