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I posted two chapters so make sure you read the last one

Josh's pov

Oliver's messy hair is scattered across the pillow. The brown contrasts with the plain white cover making him stand out from the rest of the bed and room. His body is relaxed against the hard hospital like bed, soft breaths slowly escape his slightly parted lips.

The boy before me has shape features however, as he sleeps I can't help but notice all his soft features. Those being his lips, skin, eyes, hair, and thin body.

When I first got here he was underweight, he's only gained weight so I think he was just not eating enough. Since he can't talk it's hard to know for sure but with what I've seen I'm not convinced that he has a eating disorder. That's very important to me, I need all my parents and friends to all be the healthiest they can be.

I'm not actually that healthy because I do eat at fast food restaurants almost daily but I think I work out enough to say I'm in normal health.

That doesn't even matter right now and not the main thing I'm thinking about. Right now I'm sitting on the edge of Oliver's bed watching over him as he sleeps. He was so out of it today that it was worrying.

It's nearing 1am but I can't leave without knowing he's okay.

For the past hour and a half I've been sitting here thinking about him and I've come to the realization that I can't stop myself caring about him more than others. I've been ignoring the fact he's my favorite because I'm not supposed to have a favorite.

He's a teenager and has a learning disability so it would be so wrong of me to act upon the thoughts that fill my mind when I'm alone.

When I first saw him I obviously saw his beauty but I knew he was off limits so I pushed it back... I still know he's off limits but... He's different from the anyone I've ever met. I care for him way more than I should...

My mind had came up with scenarios that are... Inappropriate...

My eyes go over his face and I sigh. I have to stop this before I get hurt. I can't feel this way with him.

The door opening makes me stand up and look at the door quickly and I see Danny and Hannah. "Josh?" They both say in sync with each other. They both look surprised and now Danny is out of view, behind Hannah.

"What are you doing here?" I say crossing my arms.

Nobody is allowed to be in a patients room after curfew in less there's something really wrong. "Uh- we came to make sure he's in bed because I heard a noise outside and thought he escaped," Hannah says as Danny leaves.

What she just told me doesn't sound like the truth. What could she possibly want Oli for? Why don't I trust her? I know she's a bitch but this just doesn't seem right. "Well he didn't, he wasn't feeling well so I'm watching over him so you can leave," I say and she's quick to agree and leave.

I don't like that.

That was suspicious.

After she's gone I look at Oli again feeling worried. He's always so skittish and acts like someone has hurt him. Could she be the reason for this? Does something happen behind close doors around here that I don't know about?

My mind replays moments were Oli has flinched from me or seemed off. He's had bruises on his arms but didn't seem to remember how he got them.

I have no proof but I'm starting to think I'm going to have to watch her and Danny close.

Movement makes me snap out if my thoughts and look at him as he turns over on his side. His eyes stay shut but this action makes me feel a little bit better because seeing him so stiff and posed like a person in a coffin was unpleasant.

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