
44 8 32

Josh's pov

As we sit in my office Oli is unresponsive to everything. He doesn't eat or even look at me.

The past couple days he's been less responsive and it's upsetting. He hasn't smiled in so long... I need to figure out how to get him out of this place. Once he's out I think he'll improve.

The boy looks at me with pure hate. Why is he mad at me? I've only ever helped him or at least tried to.

"You're fucking with my head!" He voice is harsh and painful as he screams this as hard as he possibly can.   Hate is in his eyes and posture. As soon as he says this we both freeze.

Shocked that he spoke.

Screamed but had voice none the less. His hand goes to his mouth and his gaze goes down to my feet as his brain tries to process the fact he spoke.

I'm just as shocked, speechless even.

If he can speak why has he never before? It's been months since I've got here but even before got here he didn't make noise let alone talk.

Then what he said comes back into my thoughts. He thinks I'm fucking with his head?

His tear filled eyes go up my body and stops at my eyes. Sweat has formed on his pale skin making him look sick. "I hate you! You fucking monster!" He yells with burning eyes. His voice is horse and scratchy but that doesn't stop him from screaming hate filled words at me.

Theses words make me freeze up more and my brain go into overdrive as I try to understand what is happening. He was happy with me yesterday, we didn't leave on bad terms. But he hates me?

After his screaming ceases he's already running. I run into the hallways with him and my eyes widen as he puts a knife to Hannah's throat. He's got her hair clenched in his fist. Compared to her he's tall and has the upper hand.

Where did he get the knife??

Terrified and hostel he looks around at all the people who are seeing this. Hannah stays silent as he struggles to stay on her feet as he drags her back.

I step forward but his eyes dart to me and presses the blade into her neck more. "S-stop! Nobody move," Hannah says frantically. Blood drips down her neck indicating he's not bluffing at all.

"Ope-n the door," Oliver hisses out to me and nods at the door.

I have no idea how to fix this or what is even happening. This isn't the Oli I know. This is a very dangerous and scary person.

"Now!" He screams and more blood seeps from the cut on Hannah's neck.

I have no choice but to listen. I unlock the door to the outside world and open it. "Get back!" He yells. I obey and get away from the door. 

My breath is heavy yet fast as I watch everything play out.

He uses her as protection until he's outside and off the porch. The next thing that happens puts everyone into even more shock.

He rams the knife into her stomach.

He pushes her away from himself and starts to run. Everyone goes to Hannah's aid but I realize he can't be out in the world. He's dangerous and unstable.

So I run.

I start to chase him, despite to catch him.

"Oliver!" My voice is as loud as I can get it as I run. Adrenaline courses throughout my body blocking all the feeling of running this fast and hard.

special Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon