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Oli's pov

No matter how much I try I can't button my pants. I hate asking for help but I just am to uncoordinated to do this on my own. I look at Josh to see he's looking away from me trying to give me privacy as I dress myself after the shower.

He's looking just far enough to no be invading my privacy but close enough in my direction so see me wave at him. He looks at me and I blush holding my pants where it's supposed to button. I show him my failing attempt to button it and then he understands what I want. "Come here," he says reaching out.

I step into his reach and he grabs my pants and buttons it with no problems. I blush and smile shyly to show him I appreciate him helping me. I don't smile much but I've noticed every time I do smile he looks at my lips and smiles too.

Just like I predicted, Josh smiles after looking at my lips. "How about... We get breakfast at sonic?" He asks looking unsure.


We? Like..? Me and him go to sonic? That can't be right? I only look at him with a blank expression. He can't possibly mean for me to go somewhere. To leave this place.

If he does mean that then is it really a trap? Is this finally the end of his nice side? He's been getting me to trust him so he can drive me somewhere and do bad things to me? Hurt me? Kill me? Rape me?

I want to go to sonic but I know it's too good to be true.

I haven't had sonic since.... I don't know. A very long time. Mr. Franceschi bites his bottom lip and chews on it for a moment before speaking again. "Your records don't have much information so I don't know if it's actually legal... If you are a minor then Im not allowed to check you out of this facility but if you are 18 or older you can sign yourself out. Of course it will only be for a hour or so then I have to bring you back..." He says.

I can get out if I'm 18?

"So, I'm going to go by your word. Are you 18 or older?" He asks me. I don't know how old I am...

I nod my head because then it means I can get out, even if it's only for a hour. I somehow trust Mr. Franceschi, I don't think he's going to hurt me or do anything bad to me. He has had opportunity after opportunity to do something bad to me and not once has he took it.

His eyes light up and he looks happy with my answer. "Okay but you have to be on your best behavior. No running away, no making a scene, and you can't do anything that may get you hurt. If you get hurt on this trip it's me who will get in trouble," he tells me.

I nod as we walk out the bathroom and towards his office.

Excitement rushes throughout my body and it feels like anxiety if anxiety was a happy good thing.


Josh holds my wrist as we walk through the parking lot as if he's worried I'm going to run away. I think I would run away if I could think properly but I can't and I know I can't.

I'd get lost and confused after five minutes. I have no family or friends to go back too so even if I could find my way to them there is no 'them' to begin with. This thought makes me a little sad but I'm still happy I'm finally going out.

I've been in that building for who knows how long.

He opens a car's door for me and as I get in I see him turn the child lock on. He tries to be discreet about it but he sees me look at it and him so he gives me a tight liped smile. "Safety," he says before closing my door and going around to his side.

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