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Your brother would be happy for you, for us... Just take my hand and we can run away

Go away thoughts, those aren't mine. I don't have a brother. Pain shoots throughout my body starting with my leg and I let a hiss of air out and glare at Josh. "Sorry," he tells me as he helps me into the wheel chair from his car.

Josh has literally helped me do everything today and it's starting to get on my nerves. Yes I need the help but I don't want to need it. "So I'm going to help you get in and settled but then I have to go to Garden Parks and get my things and i'll get your things too," Josh says as he pushes me towards his house but then stops as we get to his steps...

"Oh... That's a problem. Let me get Frankie and Gee to help," he announces and goes up the stairs without me and opens the door. "Gerard! Frank! Come help me!" Josh shouts inside the house.

Josh comes back to me and soon the red hair guy and the black and blonde hair guy comes out and looks at us. "Help me pick him up and carry him up the stairs," josh says making me grown. I don't want to be lifted! What if they drop me!?

They comes over and all pick the wheel chair and me up. Oh my God I'm going to die. I stay still trying to to panic. The horror only lasts a moment before I'm being set down with ease. "Thanks," josh says.

"No problem," Frankie says and holds the other guy's hand. We all go inside and josh brings me to the living room.

"I have to go back out, can you make him feel welcomed and make sure he takes his pain medication at three. Feed him. Make sure you ask him if he needs to use the bathroom every once in a while. You'll need to help him-"

"Relax dude, we got this. Go take your time, he's in good hands," Gerard says.

"Good hands? You jumped from the second story and broke your foot. You broke my tv by throwing the Wii remote at it. Both of you almost burnt the house down last week. Remember the bath incident?? Oh my God why am I leaving him here with you two. Where's Kellin?" Josh rants pointing at both of them?

"He's crying in his room, but we'll be good! You can trust us," Gerard says.

"Oli this is my work phone, if they do anything stupid or you need help just press this button and then this one that has my name and it will call me and ill know to come back immediately," josh says showing me how to work the phone.

I nod and put the phone in my pocket. He's worrying too much, I'll be fine. "Bye, I'll see you soon," josh tells me and gives the two a look before leaving the house.

Why do none of them care that 'Kellin' is crying in his room? Maybe he didn't actually mean he was crying? "Do you like pizza? I'm about to order some," Gerard asks me. I nod and he pulls out his phone. "Is pepperoni okay?" He asks so I nod. I'd rather eat mushroom and cheese pizza but that seems a little hard to ask for.

"Or would you rather get mushrooms on it like Kellin?" He asks and I smile and nod feeling better because I get to eat what I prefer. I want to be a vegetarian but that's a little hard to tell people because I can't talk.

Trust me, if I could talk, I would.

"Cool, I'm going to call them," he says and walks into the kitchen.

"Do you want to sit on the couch?" The shorter one asks. I look at it, yeah I would. I nod and he pushed me closer to the couch. I really like these people, they seem fun and easy to get along with.


When josh gets back I'm feeling a little better than I have in the past few days. Not physically, my leg and ribs really hurt but my arm and wrist are okay for the most part. The pain medicine is still in effect so it's not unbearable.

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