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Oli's pov

As I get out of bed I feel extremely dizzy and unwell. Knocking on my door has woke me up and now Josh is entering my room.

Josh looks nervous for some reason but I don't pay for to him. I get up feeling as if something really isn't right. As soon as I'm on my feet I'm falling to my knees and throwing up. "Shit- are you okay?" Josh asks helping me to my feet and wiping my mouth with his bare hand.

My world blurs and spins violently.

The feeling of being lifted freaks me out a bit but everything is moving so fast I give up and relax in his arms. His words blend together and sounds like gibberish.

My head feels like it's going to explode.

It feels like I haven't slept in weeks so when my eyes close they are too heavy to open back up. Darkness consumes me and I feel myself go limp.


"Oli? Wake up please. Olive," a voice above me makes me try to open my heavy eyes. After a moment I open them and see Josh's chest in my face and then feel his lips on my forehead.

He pulls away and then makes eye contact with me. Is face lights up as he sees I'm awake but worry is still in his eyes.

My eyes leave his as I look around the room. This doesn't look like the nurses room but it has doctor equipment like it is. I frown seeing I'm in a hospital gown. Am I in a real hospital?

"I'm so happy you are awake," he says and hugs me. I just stay still as I remember the last thing that happened between us. I kissed him and he freaked out or something.

Even though that's on my mind I'm more concerned with how I woke up. Why am I here? I look at my arm and frown when I see an IV. I really don't like needles. "How do you feel?" Josh asks touching my sweaty forehead.

I feel sick.

"You're burning," he says and presses a button on the wall.

A nurse comes in. "He's burning can you give him something?" He asks her and she says some stuff I don't care to listen to even if it's about my health. She takes my temperature and goes to get me medicine.

I sign 'why' to josh and he looks surprised. He shouldn't be, he's been teaching me sign language for a long time.

"Oh, why are you here? They are trying to figure out now. You have been unconscious since yesterday and have had a on and off fever," Josh tells me.

I point at my head because it hurts. "Does your head hurt?" He asks so I nod. He frowns a little and moves my hair out from my face.

"I'm sorry, I'll tell her when she gets back. Are you feeling nauseous?" He asks and I remember how I threw up right in front of him... That's so gross. I shake my head no.

My eyes go to his hair because it's different. It's wet- I look at him for real for the first time and see he has gray sweatpants and a black t-shirt on. That's definitely different.

He looks...

Very hot.


ut he doesn't like me like that.

"Oh, sorry. I went home for a hour so I could change and get a blanket. I probably look unprofessional as hell," he says and I look at the blanket that's on a hard chair.

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