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"I don't care what the hell is going on, just help her!" Jill screamed at the top of her lungs at Mason and Bill.

"Calm down, Jill." Bill placed his hands on his sister's shoulders. "Just tell us what happened."

Mason looked behind Jill and widened his eyes. "Mabel, no!" He almost sprinted over and tore a pair of scissors out of his twin's hands, which were about to plunge into her chest. He made them disappear, then stared at Jill. "How long has it been?"

Jill crossed her arms across his chest, biting her nail. "You don't want to know-"

"How. Long?" Mason's voice was filled with pain, and Jill winced.

"...five years."

"Jill!" Bill yelled. "You stayed away for that long?"

"And how are you not trying to kill yourself?" Mason asked. "Have you been keeping yourself alive while my sister's happiness deteriorated?"

Jill spun to him, tears in her eyes. "You think mine hasn't? You think the color I see hasn't been going away the longer I stay away from her? You think I don't love her anymore?" Jill sobbed, wiping her cheeks. "The only color I can see anymore is purple. Her favorite color. One more day, and I could be in your sister's shoes. So don't you think for one second that I'm not suffering any more than she is, because you're wrong."

"Okay, okay, everyone needs to calm down right now." Bill pointed at Mason, then jabbed his thumb at the door. "You. Out. Now."

"This is my sister, Bill-"

"Which is exactly why you need to leave." Bill walked over to Mason, kissing his forehead. "I love you, but you're too worked up right now. Go talk to Cole. Leave us here to figure something out."

Mason glared at him. "You're lucky I love you." He stormed out of the room.

Bill turned back to Jill. "Okay. Now let's figure out what the hell to do."

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