Chapter 1: How Could Anything Burst This Dream

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"I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else

But you"

~"Anyone Else But You" The Moldy Peaches

I was sleeping extremely well when I felt myself waking up, blinking my eyes a couple of times as I beamed at my boyfriend of 2 years I lived with, Jason Bateman.

"You going to my award show tonight," he huskily asked, since he had just gotten up too. He was on his knee at the side of our king sized bed though, giving me a cute, subtle half smile as he tilted his head slightly.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for anything, even if I didn't get any sleep the night before." I affectionately ran my fingers through his naturally styled brown hair. "Good luck tonight, but I know you're not going to need it. You are so talented and perfect."

He chuckled lowly before reaching forward to delicately peck my lips. I ended up placing my hand on the back of his neck though, carefully bringing him back, since that brief kiss didn't satisfy me. Our lips locked a bit more properly before we were parting shortly again.

"I'll see you in a bit. I'm going to get ready," he softly explained, running his hand up my held up arm before letting go. I leaned back on my elbows as I gazed at his parting, flawless physique, literally still falling in love with him more with each passing day. I had never loved someone so deeply it hurt, and where they felt like my soulmate. I truly believed he was my forever, especially since I never knew the definition of the one for me, but when I met him, he was the answer.

My cerulean blue, straight ballgown swept the floor as Jason led me through the paparazzi. He was a popular star, but thankfully we weren't constantly bombarded by reporters. We were currently at a movie award show, his hand gently on the small of my back the entire time we ventured to the auditorium. I was always in awe by the various celebrities, especially since I had just gotten fairly successful in acting a year ago. I hadn't had my big break yet though. I always became excited to discover who we would be sitting next to, grinning when I saw the name, Leonardo DiCaprio. I recalled catching a glimpse of him on the set of "Growing Pains," when I was visiting Kirk Cameron once. I carefully lowered myself into the seat, making sure I didn't wrinkle or tear my outfit. Soon the lights were dimming and the host was introducing the event. I glanced over at Leo, but was soon distracted by everything else going on. When they were reading the nominations for movies, my heart leapt when they mentioned Jason's name. I squeezed his hand reassuringly as he just looked over at me with a faint, lopsided smile, his brown bangs falling across his forehead in his adorable hairstyle.

"And the winner for best actor in a drama film is... Jason Bateman, for his role in Breaking the Rules," the man in charge announced into the microphone. I felt so much joy it was indescribable, smiling against Jason's lips when he kissed me softly after standing. I clapped harder and louder than anyone as tears sprung to my eyes, watching him casually jog up the side steps to the grand stage.

"Thank you. This is... reassuring." Everyone chuckled lightly, since Jason was the master of funny sarcasm, even using the right amount of pause in between his words. He then proceeded in thanking the people he worked with, wrapping up his speech as his attention focused on me.

"And I would love to give a big thank you to Marlene. Without you none of this would possible, or at least not as enjoyable. I love you more than I even say I do. Pop a mint, Marlene, because I'm going to be giving you a kiss in a few seconds. Thank you." He held up his award before rushing to me without running, our lips moving in sync before he plopped beside me. I grabbed his hand as we gazed lovingly into each other's eyes, so deeply I swore that the crowd surrounding us disappeared.

I forgot to even introduce myself to Leo, Jason and me going directly home afterwards, since we weren't a fan of the Hollywood parties. I lied on our bed as he proudly situated the trophy on our dresser with a small television set, casually slipping off my dress to reveal black, lacy lingerie. Jason turned but then froze when he saw me, biting his lower lip extra briefly before crawling onto the mattress to hover over me. His blue eyes danced between my own as I smiled special at him, in love with how he lied on top of me still in his black tuxedo, his bent arms holding him up. He always could pull off a bowtie, and I couldn't help but admire how he always wore a watch on his wrist, and the way he slowly leaned down to connect our lips. The thing about Jason was whether it was day one or day 730, our love making was a dream. It didn't matter how intense the session was, because whether the results were weak or not, it still felt amazing. It was literally like being close to the one person that made you feel whole, as though they were your home and you fit together like the entire world was being lifted off your shoulders. It was never about speed or going crazy or constant kinks, but genuine love making, the kind that made your toes curl, the kind where just looking into your lover's eyes was enough to send you over the edge, because you were super attracted to him because of the amount of love. His voice was the best sounding one in the universe to me, and just one little word in his tone could drive me insane. It didn't matter it wasn't the lowest register, because it was soothing and comforting. When I gazed deeply into his eyes as we shared this moment together, sometimes I forgot what we were even doing, just enjoying his company. It was the ultimate feeling of comfort mixed with romance. He knew all of my weak spots, but I never grew tired of the similar routine, cuddling up to him as we lied in our robes under the sheets afterwards. He was nicely rubbing his hand up and down my side, my eyes fluttering closed in euphoria as I breathed in his scent near the crook of his neck, feeling completely safe and content.

"I love you, Jason," I breathed, just waiting for the magical day he proposed.

"I love you too, Marlene." He gingerly kissed the top of my head like a butterfly's delicate wings before sighing quietly. We both fell asleep with me never able to imagine how anything could burst this dream.

A/N: Hey guys, I wanted to let you know this story takes place in 1996. Some of it doesn't quite match up like the movie I had Jason win an award for was in 1992, but it was because he didn't do many movies during that time. The speech he gave though is based off the one he did for winning an award a couple of years ago. This story is a Leo love story, but it will probably take awhile for their love to develop. I want it to show the main character, Marlene's growth and how her feelings change from her current boyfriend, Jason Bateman to Leo over time, and the differences in the two relationships. "On Purpose" by Sabrina Carpenter is the song's lyrics that inspired the title, and the description is lyrics from that song as well. I hope you enjoy this story. Sorry for such a long first author's note. Anyway, please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

You're My Focus || Leonardo DiCaprioOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora