Chapter 15: You're My Focus

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"All these days I never thought

That I would need someone so much

Who knew?"

~"On Purpose" Sabrina Carpenter

I giggled as Leo secured me in his arms as he carried me bridal style over the threshold. My big, poofy white dress almost didn't fit in the door frame.

"I can't believe we're back here a year later," I commented, taking in the view of the exact hotel room he had before in Rosarito, Mexico.

"I promised I'd bring you back here someday." He kissed my cheek for a lingering moment before gently placing me on the bed. I adjusted his black tie that went with his suit as he chuckled softly.

"I thought you would be loosening it, darling," he winked, causing my cheeks to burn pink.

"Not yet." I bit my lower lip before my eyes flickered up to be met with his. "What? Why are you looking at me that way?"

"I just can't believe you're mine. You're so beautiful, Marlene. You're still the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He pressed his lips against mine before popping open the complimentary, chilled champagne. I gladly accepted the glass he poured for me, just holding it as I waited for him to serve himself. "To many years to come. Cheers." He clinked his container with mine before chugging it in one go, scrunching his face up afterwards.

"You nervous or something," I teased, just taking short sips of my own beverage.

"Actually I am. I want everything to be perfect."

"Why," I faintly laughed, finishing my alcoholic concoction.

"Because I know how much you've dreamed about this day. Fuck, Marlene, you practically showed me a whole book of your dream wedding and honeymoon."

More giggles escaped my lips along with the occasional hiccup, me shaking my head. "I know, but none of that matters as long as I'm with you. I didn't make that book when I knew you or was ever serious with anyone." He vaguely nodded as I started undoing his windsor knot. "Now, let's get your tie loosened." I bit my lower lip as I attempted to appear alluring, only somehow Leo ended up being the one in charge as he hovered over me.

"There's no rush, Marlene. We can wait to do this later."

"Are you really that nervous," I joked, running my hands down his covered chest as he shuddered.

"Kind of. I'm not sure if I can do this. I don't know what's wrong with me. I've never had trouble before."

"It's just me, Leo. Nothing's changed."

"I know, but this will be officially consummating our marriage."

"Leo, this isn't something we have to do alone. It's something we'll be doing together. There's no reason to be nervous. I figured I would be the one that's a mess."

He chuckled lowly before tenderly kissing me for a moment. "I love you, Marlene."

"I love you, Leo. Now, let me love you. Normally the guy's the one who's going crazy for this."

"You're special, Marlene. I think you usually want it more than me."

"Sh...," I softly shushed him as I brought one of his hands up to my mouth, kissing the fingertips as I reenacted our scene from Titanic together. "Put your hands on me, Leo."

A genuine smile spread across his lips, since those familiar lines were used the first time we made love.

"You're my focus. Love me hopeless," I breathed before his lips hungrily met with mine, me breaking apart as I giggled. "I better take my ring off first. I don't want anything happening to it." He slowly nodded as he was the one now going crazy for this, watching as I placed my Minnie Mouse diamond ring that fit perfectly over my Mickey Mouse one. We had decided to just use my promise ring as the engagement one. "Now I'm ready," I confirmed, Leo kissing me in a passionate way I never dreamed I would get to experience. I was grateful that I met him, and I would go through all the hardships all over again to find my soulmate, because real life isn't a fairytale, but if you find the right person then it feels like one.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this last chapter. The lines, "You're my focus. Love me hopeless," are lyrics from Sabrina Carpenter's song, "On Purpose." I actually wanted to write more, but I just knew the story was at its end. I had wrapped up all of the major plots, and I didn't want to struggle writing long enough chapters with fluff. I'm kind of disappointed, since I felt like I was really starting to get into writing for Marlene's character, but it just felt it was right to end it here. I hope you enjoyed this story. Thank you so incredibly much for all of the votes, reads, and nice comments! I'm so happy that you guys enjoy reading my Leo stories! I really enjoy writing them! I love all of you! <3

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