Chapter 11: "Where Were You All Night?"

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"It's two am

Feelin' like I just lost a friend

Hope you know it's not easy,

Easy for me

It's two am

Feelin' like I just lost a friend

Hope you know this ain't easy,

Easy for me"

~"Breathe" Taylor Swift

My eyes fluttered open as I felt disoriented for a moment, not sure where I was or who I was with. I half expected to see Jason beside me, but instead it was Leo, breathing softly as his bare chest slowly rose and fell. I placed a delicate kiss on his forehead as I smiled, scooting off the bed to head into the bathroom. I ruffled my hair as I pulled the robe I had slept in tighter around me, feeling different than I ever had before. It was indescribable, and what made it even better is I knew the exact person I could talk about it with. I ran straight for the bed before jumping on it, waking Leo with how the springs bounced.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," I joked, in love with his blue eye squinted up at me as the other was buried against his pillow.

"Good morning, Marlene. You sleep well?" He sat up as he rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes, yawning loudly at the same time.

"I slept great, and guess what?" I had wrapped my arms around his shoulders as I rested my chin on his shoulder.


"I finally figured out why I fell for you over Jason."

"Huh?" He was still a bit out of it as I continued after breathing in the scent of his skin, pressing my nose against the muscle on his shoulder.

"Because I can talk to you about anything, literally anything. Jason was great, but it just always seemed like there was a slight wall between us. He's just not the most expressive person in the world, and sometimes I'm not sure if he's being serious or sarcastic, but you... Oh goodness, you Leo always listen to what I have to say. You even let me talk about Jason when we were a couple, and I know that must have been hard for you."

"Are you going to compare me to Jason for forever," he lightly groaned, finally looking over at me with his half closed lids.

"No." I shook my head with the widest smile. "Because now that I know all of this, I understand why it didn't work out between me and him, and now it will be easier for me to completely let him go, you know just being used to him being in my life. You're already all mine now, Leo. My heart is yours."

"I know. We gave each other both of our hearts last night," he faintly smirked.

"Leo...," I whined in embarrassment, nuzzling my nose in the crook of his neck. "You smell so good, and how is your skin so soft? It's insane."

"Probably because I don't have any body hair," he frowned.

"That's okay. I still think you're the sexiest guy I've ever seen."


"Oh yeah."

I giggled as Leo pushed me down, pulling up one of the sheets that had fallen on the floor last night when we were having our special session. He then held the blanket over us as he made a fort, just gazing fondly into my eyes as I placed my hands on the back of his neck to bring him down to me. Our lips met as we kissed in perfect synchronization, butterflies attacking every section of my stomach. It was funny how we were just a big lump as we moved beneath the covers, me eventually climbing out of the makeshift fort to go to my room to change clothes. I couldn't feel happier until I noticed that the light was flashing on the cord phone, signaling I had unheard messages. I pressed the button, anxiously waiting as the machine beeped.

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