Chapter 6: Still In the Mindset of Rose

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"Maybe it's all in my head

Maybe it's something you said

That got me feeling this way"

~"Whisper My Name" Ilira

I was itching to run straight up to my hotel room to call Jason, solely to convince myself I was just tired and overthinking things.

"Hey, Marlene. Would you want to have dinner with me later? I found this really nice seafood restaurant down the street."

I tensed up at Leo's suggestion, my mind instantly thinking of a date. "Oh, um, sure, yeah. I'm just going to rest until then... Bye!" I waved before racing up the steps, finally falling back against my king sized bed. I grabbed the cord phone once my breathing was fairly regulated, dialing home as it rung a few times.

I heard rustling in the background before Jason's voice sounded, "Hello?"

"Hey, I love you," I instantly said, unable to hide the underlying distress in my voice.

"I love you too... You okay?" He sounded a bit amused as he probably hoped nothing serious was happening.

"Yeah, I'm okay... I just had a rough scene to do today."

"Which one was it?"

"Oh, uh..." Shit, I don't want him to know that Leo saw me naked. "It's just a scene where Rose is showing Jack an expensive necklace." I decided to leave out the rest that followed.

"Oh. That's a rough scene?" He could see through me too easily, and I was panicking until I heard female laughter in the background.

"Who's that," I wondered, chewing on my lower lip.

"Oh, Jennifer came over for some pizza and ice cream. She didn't want me missing you too much," he emphasized a bit on the end. Jennifer Aniston and him were such great friends, and honestly, my favorite in Hollywood.

"Can I talk to her for a minute?"

"Sure...," he hesitantly trailed off, probably puzzled why. Jennifer and I were good friends but more on the acquaintance side.

"Hey Marlene, what's up," Jennifer casually asked.

"Um... Can I talk to you alone? I need some advice and I can't talk to Jason about it, because it is about him."

"Sure thing. Jason! Marlene and I are going to have some girl talk for a bit, okay," she called.

"Okay," he shouted back.

"He was in the kitchen making some popcorn. I'm in your guys' bedroom now. So, what's wrong?"

"So, I've only been here for like 2 days, and I think I might be getting a crush on my co-star Leonardo DiCaprio. I-We had to do this really awkward scene where he draws me naked, but he made me feel better about it, and I got butterflies during the shoot. But I don't understand how this can be possible. I mean, I'm in love with, Jason. I can't just instantly start liking someone else, right?"

"Slow down, Marlene. I don't think you have anything to worry about. It's normal to feel special feelings for your co-stars. It's happened to me before. It's just your emotions as the character getting the better of you. And Jason is the only serious boyfriend you've had, you're still young, so even if you had a small crush on Leo, it wouldn't be weird. You don't stop noticing any other guy ever once you're in a relationship."

I sighed in relief as I closed my eyes, flopping back against my fluffed up pillows. "That is such a relief. You won't tell Jason about any of this, right?"

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