Chapter 10: Put Your Hands On Me, Leo

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"Sometimes you just don't know the answer

'Til someone's on their knees and asks you

"She would've made such a lovely bride

What a shame she's fucked in the head," they said

But you'll find the real thing instead

She'll patch up your tapestry that I shred"

~"Champagne Problems" Taylor Swift

Jason was arriving for his second visit a couple of weeks after Leo and I confessed our feelings for each other. It took all of our willpower to keep from holding hands or kissing, but somehow we managed, and it was even more difficult since I stayed over at Leo's room most nights, just so I wouldn't be alone in my thoughts. I was terrified of how my conversation with Jason would go even if Leo appeared more excited, since he was aware that would mean we could finally fall into each other. It figured that the morning before Jason was due to arrive, we had to do the sex scene for the movie.

"You nervous," Leo asked as Jack, me lifting my gaze as I confidently said in a soft voice, "No."

I carefully kissed Leo's fingertips as we sat in the backseat of the old fashioned vehicle, my body already trembling as I thought of being with him for real.

"Put your hands on me, Leo," I spoke.

"Cut! Marlene, that's the fifth time you've said Leo instead of Jack. Let's take it from the top," ordered James Cameron.

I sighed as Leo just half smirked at me, clearly amused as we crawled into the front seat again. I reminded myself not to jump when he honked the horn, since that had ruined a few takes as well. I also struggled to pull Leo into the back of the car with me, my arms growing tired but I mustered all my strength to do it correctly. We went through our previous lines again, my brain firmly reminding me of using the right name.

"Put your hands on me, Jack," I whispered, my breathing becoming shaky as he placed his hand on my breast, our lips connecting at almost the same time. I gradually lied down as he kept kissing me passionately, crawling over me as we heard James Cameron's voice again.

"That was perfect! Except you can stop kissing her now, Leo. You're kind of overdoing it," he observed, causing me to blush as Leo's own cheeks were noticeably pink.

During the after scene when Leo was shirtless and looking down at me, I gently caressed the back of his head near his ear, my eyes dancing between his as he breathed shakily.

"You're trembling," I commented.

"Don't worry, I'll be alright," he managed to say, giving me a sweet kiss.

I placed my lips on his forehead before he lied his head against my chest. That was the most intimate we would allow ourselves to be, since it was for the sole purpose of the movie.

That evening Jason arrived and I was an anxious mess, hoping he wouldn't be able to tell when he leaned down to kiss my lips tenderly. We were currently in the lobby of the hotel, various members of the crew running around, since we had just wrapped up our work for the day.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to get here again, but I had a good reason." He sweetly smiled at me before getting down on one knee, my eyes widening as I almost had a panic attack on the spot.

"Marlene Ruth Wyers, I can't tell you how much I love you. We've only spent 2 years together, but it's felt like a lifetime. I don't know what I would do if I hadn't met you. When I fell in love with you it hit me all at once. There was no way to describe it. I promise to cherish you every day of our lives. I love you more than you even know. Will you marry me?" He revealed the diamond ring in the black felt box, my vision blurring as tears coated my eyes. I wasn't even sure what the piece of jewelry looked like as Jason gently took my hand, trying to slide the ring onto my trembling finger. I buried my face in my hands as I couldn't take it anymore, all of the pent up emotions just pouring out. I think Jason just assumed I was speechless, but in reality I was in the middle of planning a break up. I had waited for this proposal for a whole year, and now I would have to break his heart.

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