Chapter 14: "I'll Never Leave You Alone"

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"And I remember that fight, 2:30 AM

As everything was slipping right out of our hands

I ran out, crying, and you followed me out into the street

Braced myself for the goodbye

'Cause that's all I've ever known

Then, you took me by surprise

You said, "I'll never leave you alone."

~"Mine" Taylor Swift

It was close to 2:30 in the morning when Leo and I entered our dark home, him flipping on the lights in our bedroom as he silently removed his shoes, while sitting on the edge of our king sized bed.

"Leo, are you okay," I slowly asked.

He paused his actions as he held his last shoe. "Why don't you ask Jason? You seem to talk to him a lot lately." I had never heard him sound so angry and cold, guilt sinking to my stomach like a rock.

"There's nothing going on between us."

"Don't give me that bull crap, Marlene!" He suddenly shot up as he threw his dress shoe across the carpet. "I don't want to accuse you of cheating on me, because I trust you, but I'm starting to think you've broken that trust. I've heard you talking on the phone in the mornings. I thought it was odd when it would hardly ring. I figured it was a wrong number, but then I heard you giggling and saying his name, and you always hide the phone like you've committed a crime. If that's not you cheating on me, then tell me what is!"

I flinched as I searched for a comeback, but my anxiety was already kicking in as I panicked. "L-leo, I swear, I have been talking to Jason, but I don't know why I've been keeping it a secret."

"It's because you still fucking love him!" Leo's chest rose and fell rapidly as he faced me, breathing heavily. "I did everything I could to let you know things were going to be okay, Marlene! I let you move in with me! I bought you a promise ring, all to ease your anxieties! But it's like you didn't appreciate any of it! You turned around and stabbed me in the back! What was I? Just a guy to bid your time with until you figured things out?! Well, I will not let you toy with me! I fucking loved you, and I worried you wouldn't believe it, but then you turn around and slap me in the face when I did everything for you! Go and be happy with Jason! It's what you want anyway." He turned from me, and I went up to him gently touching his shoulder.

"I didn't meant for any of this to happen. I really don't want to be with him anymore. I want to be with you, Leo." He shrugged me off harshly as he kept himself from accidentally hitting me in the stomach, pacing before swiping a stack of papers onto the floor on a wooden desk, the sheets fluttering from his rage.

"You could have fooled me! What was that tonight, Marlene? Huh?" He held his arm out as his face crumbled, now showing more pain than madness. "You pretty much ignored me once he showed up! And then not only did he kiss you on the cheek, you kissed him back! And you were blushing and fucking glowing when you got in the car, and you acted like everything was perfect! You didn't even think about me! You forgot about me the moment he showed up at the premiere! What do you think the paparazzi are going to print tomorrow?! Because they sure as hell aren't going to be talking about how close we were in the beginning! They're going to be broadcasting the scandal of the decade!"

"I didn't realize- I didn't realize that I was doing all that. I don't know what came over me."

"I'll tell you what came over you." He strode up to me as it killed me to see the conflicted emotions in his blue orbs. "You secretly still love him. You just don't know it. But if you don't know it, talk it out with me instead of going off and cheating! Maybe we could talk things out like we always do, but now things are so fucked up, I don't know if we can." He placed his arm over his head as he walked to the opposite end of the room near the grand window, the curtains pulled shut.

"I don't know what to say, Leo! I'm sorry! Is that what you want?! Because I don't know what else to do! I guess I suck at being friends with my exes, but I swear that I'm not in love with him anymore! I think nostalgia hit me, and I just got caught up in it, and if I lose you because of that... Fuck, Leo..." Tears were beginning to trickle down my face as I broke down. "You know, I'm not any good at letting people go, whether it's romantic or not. You know how attached I was to Jason. I'm still attached to him, but it's not in that same way. But I guess because of my stupidity and stupid anxiety and stupid mind and stupid problems, and stupid stupid OCD, and everything wrong with me, I'll never truly be happy, because I was that with you." I choked on my sobs as I ran out of there, not knowing where I was going, but knowing all I wanted to do was die, not literally, but just like not exist for awhile. I raced straight out into the deserted street since it was so late at night, just crying until I couldn't breathe anymore, hugging myself as my bare arms raised goosebumps, just wanting to rip every negative quality about me to shreds. The tears flowed so effortlessly I couldn't believe it, never seeing how they could ever stop. I knew this was it. I had just lost the most important person in my life, my soulmate, the one I genuinely loved with every fiber and fragment of my soul. My hand shook horribly when I felt Leo take it, carefully turning me around. He held my face in his own hands as I almost couldn't hear him through my grief. Here it was, the goodbye, the end, the ultimate send off.

"I'll never leave you alone, Marlene." Everything stopped, my crying, my breathing, my heart, and when it started back up again it was beating in funny patterns. "I know you didn't mean for any of this to happen. I know you're really sorry. I'm sorry for causing you so much pain, but you really hurt me. I didn't mean to make you feel that bad about yourself. I just- the thought of losing you. That's why I rushed things so fast with you. I was afraid if I didn't you would run back to him. I love you so much, darling. I love you so much. Please don't hate yourself. I forgive you. Just don't shut me out. I can take it. I don't care if you're still friends with Jason, just don't sneak around, and let it become something more again, because I can't live without you now." He pulled me into his embrace all of a sudden, his back heaving as he cried himself, us holding onto each other for dear life as we let out all of our raw, gut wrenching emotions. I even quoted from our movie in my head, "I'll never let go, Leo. I'll never let go. Just please never let go either. Please."

A/N: Hey guys, I think that's the most intense fight I've ever written. I hope it turned out okay. I'm not gonna lie that their argument was based on "The Great Gatsby," since Gatsby gave so much for Daisy, he did it all for her. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you! <3

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