Chapter 2

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I place my hand on Oikawa's thigh as we pull into the parking lot next to a seemingly abandoned warehouse. I put my car in park, turn off the engine, undo my seatbelt and exit the red Chevy Volt. The car isn't anything too fancy, but it's partially electric, and doesn't stand out too much.

I walk around the front of the car, and open the passenger door for Oikawa. He steps out and examines the warehouse. It doesn't look like anything on the outside, but that's really the whole point. With Oikawa's new pistol tucked in the back of my pants, I grab my boyfriend's hand and walk into the warehouse.

The warehouse is pretty big, so we've split it up into different sections using curtains so that everyone can have their own space. There is a center aisle down the long side of the building, with little rooms for people, the shooting range lying at the far side of the warehouse.

"Boss! How've you been?" A tall man with wild black hair asks. "Who've you brought with you?" he says, eyeing Oikawa while he elbows me in the ribs. I slap his arm gently and let go of Oikawa's hand.

"This is Kuroo." I say to my boyfriend. "He's supposed to be the chemist of the group, but he spends most of his time distracting others." I say lightheartedly.

"Aw don't be like that." says Kuroo jokingly. "Anyways I realized that shit you gave me last week. Turns out it's not some type of street drug." Kuroo tosses a container filled with a colorless granulated crystal.

"It's potassium cyanide. Mostly used for gold mining, electroplating, organic synthesis, and as a poison. This is the stuff that people would take in a capsule pill to kill themselves before someone had a chance to do it slower." Kuroo explains.

"Where'd you get this?" he asks, taking the container back. It brings the cyanide up to his face so that he can take a closer look at it.

"Tell you later, I'm showing Oikawa here around right now." I say, brushing past Kuroo. He chases after me, getting in the way of the shooting range.

"Woah, woah woah, Oikawa?" he asks. I nod, hoping he'll leave us alone. "As in the Oikawa?" Kuroo asks again. I sigh, and nod my head again.

"Oi, Kenma, get over here! Boss brought his boyfriend!" shouts Kuroo. A small, tired looking man with his hair up in a bun and a pair of headphones over his ears walks over to us.

"This is Kenma, Kuroo's boyfriend." I tell Oikawa. Kenma pulls his headphones down onto his neck and glares at me.

"Did you just introduce me as Kuroo's boyfriend?" He asks. Kuroo smiles and leans down to kiss Kenma on the cheek, only to be shoved away playfully.

"Fine, this is Kenma, he's supposed to be our tech guy but really just drinks iced coffee and plays Fortnite." I say, reintroducing him. Kenma looks up at me, looking offended.

"How dare you! I play Minecraft, not Fortnite, you uncultured piece of trash. I will personally snap the neck of anyone who plays Fortnite, that game is shit." Kenma says angrily.

Oikawa looks slightly surprised that someone that small has so much attitude. "Don't worry, he's mean to everyone." I explain to Oikawa. "Is Bo here?" I ask Kuroo.

"Yeah, but I think he's making out with Akashi." Kuroo says dismissively. I roll my eyes, knowing that he's probably right. The two of them are like a couple of horny fifteen year old's, they literally can't go twenty minutes without having their tongues in each other's mouths.

"What about Tsukki and Yams? Or Mad-Dog and Saeko?" I ask. Kuroo thinks for a moment, then shrugs. I look at Kenma, to see if he's seen them, but he has his headphones on, and is doing something on his phone now, clearly not paying any attention to our conversation.

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