Chapter 10

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What can I do? I must do something. I'm supposed to be these people's leader, so why can't I help them?

Maybe I can. Maybe I just have to ask. What needs to be done? Then I can do it. I can help. I won't be useless.

Daichi seems like the most responsible of the group, so I should go talk to him. He'll tell me more about each person, and the things I would usually do.

I walk over to the section of the warehouse where I remember him walking off to. I carefully pull the curtains to the side so that I can walk into the room that he and Suga are in.

"Hey, what's up?" asks Daichi. Suga is sitting on a stool in front of him, and it looks like Daichi is rubbing his back.

"Not much. I just got the feeling that there was a lot that I wasn't told back there. Can you fill me in?" I ask. Daichi chuckles.

"Well one thing's sure, you still have that super sense. You always had a knack for reading people pretty well." Daichi explains. "But sure, I'll fill you in." I pull up a chair near the two of them and sit down.

"You've probably already noticed, but some people are closer than others. Most of the time, that's because they're in each other's pants. Kuroo and Kenma, Bo and Akashi, Suga and I, and you and Oikawa. We all think that Tsukki and Yams have done it too, but we can't prove it. Same goes for Mad-dog and Saeko." Daichi explains.

"Although that's not always the case. Tsukki and Akashi are pretty close and there's nothing romantic between them." He continues.

"So, what is my relationship with each person?" I ask. Daichi nods but doesn't answer immediately.

"Well, you know that you and Oikawa are boyfriends. I would say that your best friend is probably Kuroo, but you and Akashi also get along pretty well. Mad-dog really looks up to you. And Yams is kind of like your little brother. You get along with everyone pretty well, but those are the main points." Explains Daichi.

"Can you elaborate?" I ask. It's going to take more than a brief description for me to understand how I acted around these people.

"Sure. Mad-dog had a rough home life, so he grew up without morals. From what I can tell, he decided that you had good enough judgement in moral dilemmas, that he would just ask you whenever he couldn't decide what to do. You basically just keep him in check, and he really appreciates that." says Daichi.

"And Yamaguchi got kicked out of his house when he was seventeen or so because his mom found out he was gay. I'm somewhat sure he lived with Tsukki when that happened, but we became his family after that." says Daichi.

"You're in charge here, but I usually help out with big decisions. I'm kind of like your second in command. And Suga here, well he used to be... right now he's just dealing with some stuff." says Daichi. It's clear that he's trying to avoid talking about whatever Suga is going through.

"If you won't say it, I will." says Suga. I had almost forgotten he was there. If it's none of my business what he's going through, that's fine, but I need to know how to help him. That's my job, isn't it?

"Alright, Iwa, Daichi doesn't want to tell you that I'm recovering from a coke, heroin, and alcohol addiction." Suga says, his voice monotone.

"Suga! You don't have to say it like that." Daichi exclaims. His face has flushed red and he looks more upset about this than Suga.

"Like what, Daichi? I'm just saying it how it is." says Suga, his voice still void of emotion. "Why bother sugar coating it?" says Suga.

"Suga, don't be like this." Daichi says to Suga. "He isn't usually like this; he's just going through withdrawals so he's acting a bit off." Daichi explains to me.

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