Chapter 13

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As if I couldn't sleep before, the image of Oikawa that I was sent about half an hour ago has left my mind absolutely restless. How am I supposed to relax when my boyfriend is being beaten up by the guys that are threatening to kill him?

I feel bad for keeping Kuroo and Kenma up, but they both said that they would have stayed up anyway. I get the feeling that Kenma's sleep schedule is fairly irregular.

With all that's happening, I have a lot on my mind. Kuroo is an amazing listener, so he and Kenma have been sitting across from me, listening to me speak as I verbalize my thoughts.

The three of us have been confabulating for an hour or so, and I'm getting really tired. It's no use to try to sleep though. The sun will rise in only a few more hours, and I'm far too nervous to sleep now.

"The worst part is that I can't do anything about it. What happens to Oikawa is totally out of my control until 2 AM tomorrow." I complain. Kenma nods understandingly.

"I can't imagine how awful that would be. Like if it were Kenma, not Oikawa, I wouldn't even know what to do." Kuroo says empathetically. Although it is still dark, I notice a blush creep across Kenma's face.

Kuroo looks expectantly at his boyfriend, and eventually, Kenma picks up on the hint. "Yeah, same goes for me if it were Kuroo." He mumbles. Kuroo grins widely, then turns his attention to me.

"Do you want us to help you get ready?" He offers.

"What is there to prepare for? It's about twenty-four hours away, and I have to go unarmed. It doesn't seem like there's anything I can do." I reply. I am trying not to become pessimistic about the situation, but there isn't really a bright side to look to.

"Well, if you can't bring a gun, then you've got to rely on your fists, right?" Kuroo asks elbowing me gently, "Unarmed doesn't necessarily mean that you can't fight if something goes wrong. Do you remember anything about fighting?" Kuroo asks. I shake my head in response.

"I don't know that I know how to do anything, it just happens sometimes. So, I won't know if I remember how to fight until I actually need to." I answer.

"Well do you want to spar?" He asks, "You would know that you aren't actually in danger, because I won't kill you, but maybe a hit or two would be enough to convince your brain that I would." Kuroo says. I shrug in response, then push myself off the floor.

"It can't hurt. Besides, it's not like I'm going to be able to sleep." I say. Kuroo and Kenma stand up, and the three of us walk towards the back of the warehouse.

Once we reach the back section of the warehouse, which is pretty open because it doubles at a shooting range, Kuroo tosses a roll of boxing wrapping at me. I catch it, then listen as Kenma directs me to wrap it around my hand a certain way.

Before Kuroo and I begin to spar, Kuroo pulls Kenma aside and tells him something that I can't quite hear. Kenma nods but doesn't go to do anything. I wonder what they're talking about. I wish that they would just tell me, it makes me anxious when people discuss things that affect me without my input.

Kuroo walks up to me and swings a somewhat gentle punch at my shoulder. His fist hits me, but no defensive instincts kick in.

"You didn't move." Kuroo observes.

"Yeah, no shit. I think that I can't be expecting whatever happens." I tell him. Kuroo nods, then produces to punch me several more times.

"It's not working." says Kuroo. "Maybe you actually have to try and fight back." he suggests. I am starting to doubt my muscle memory, but there is still a chance that it just takes a minute, right?

"Instead of me just throwing punches at you, why don't you try a few?" Suggest Kuroo. I know he's just trying to be helpful, but it's really getting on my nerves. It's not at all his fault that I have forgotten everything that defines who I am, but it's easier to blame it on someone, even if that someone is actually the one helping you.

I halfheartedly punch his shoulder, and Kuroo shakes his head. "I think you've lost your touch. Here, try one more time." He says. I do as he says and punch him twice more. Neither one seems to catch him off guard.

"Those were a little bit better," says Kurro. He pauses to click his tongue, then continues to critique my work. "But you seem to have forgotten where to hit, and how to get momentum behind your punches." Kuroo says.

I square up against Kuroo, preparing to strike again, when something yanks me backwards by my throat. Cool metal is pressed harshly against my temples, and I hear a click, indicating that the gun pushed against my head is cocked.

The belt that was used to pull me backwards drops to the floor, but the cocked gun is still being held strongly against my head. They're going to kill me. I can't save Oikawa if I die now.

I close my eyes, and rack my brain for something, anything, that might be able to save me. I look to Kuroo for help, but he just shakes his head. Why isn't he helping me?

The metal presses harder into my skin, and I realize I don't have time to think about this. I need to act now, or I will die.

I quickly duck so that the gun is no longer against my head, then grab the wrist of whoever is holding the gun. I elbow them in the stomach, causing them to double over. With their balance off, I can push them over and have them fall into the ground.

Once I've shoved them into the ground, I adjust the gun in my hand so that I am aiming at the person on the ground. They have fairly long hair tied back in a bun and are wearing a red hoodie, wait, Kenma?

"Don't shoot!" Kenma yelps. "Kuroo, you owe me for this one, Iwa hit my stomach and now it hurts." He complains, slowly getting off the ground.

"What the hell? I could have killed you!" I whisper-yell, still trying not to wake up the others.

"You did it! I knew it just took a little bit of pressure to fix you up." Kuroo says to me as he helps Kenma off of the ground.

"That was your genius plan? Get Kenma to pretend to kill me to see if I die or not?" I ask Kuroo.

"Hey, I don't want to hear any complaints. My plan worked. Who cares about all those little details, what matters is that you've got your touch back!" Kuroo says excitedly. "Now punch me, quick." Kuroo breathes.

I fake a punch to his left shoulder with my left hand, then swing a right hook at his jaw. My wrapped fist makes contact with his face, and Kuroo backs away, clutching his cheek.

"Shit, that hurt. Well, you've definitely got it figured out." Kuroo says, grabbing an instant ice pack for his jaw.

We hear something moving from where the cots are, and all get really quiet. Bokuto sleepily walks over to the three of us, then asks, "Are you sparing?" I nod. "At four AM?" He says.

"Well, I couldn't sleep, and I-" I say, defensively crossing my arms.

"It's fine, I would probably do the same if I were in your situation. Now that I'm up though, do you mind if I join in?" Bo asks. I smile, and nod.

"Careful, he isn't rusty or anything." Kuroo says to Bo, rubbing his jaw sorely. Bokuto smirks, then turns to me, holding out his hand.

"High five for punching Kuroo." He says. I laugh quietly but give him the high five he requested. It seems a bit childish, but I don't mind, as it helps to lighten the mood.

"Actually, you should probably just take some melatonin and sleep. You can practice tomorrow, but you'll want to be well rested for tomorrow." Kenma suggests.

"Coming from you." Kuroo scoffs. "Nah, but he's right. Try to sleep, even if it's just for a few hours." he says.

Kenma tosses me a bottle full of purple gummies. "It's melatonin, it helps you sleep. Take three or so." he says. I pour out a few of the gummies then chew on them as I walk back over to the cot, I was laying on earlier.

I fluff the pillow and grab a blanket to sleep with, then lie down. The gummies work surprisingly fast, and despite my mind still racing, I fall asleep within a matter of minutes.

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