Chapter 4

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Soon enough, it became fairly regular for Oikawa to come out to the warehouse with me. He has become a much better shot, and Mad-Dog has started to teach him how to deal with hand to hand combat. Everyone has warmed up to him, and even Tsukki and Kenma have had a few conversations with him.

Akashi and Bo have cooled off a little, and Oikawa is learning so quickly. Suga is still drinking, but it's not going to be easy to help him break that habit. Things have been going pretty smoothly, and if they stay like this for a bit longer, Daichi might be able to come back.

Even my nightmares have gotten better. I still can't sleep through most nights, but I'm starting to be able to go back to bed after my bad dreams. Sometimes I walk Oikawa up, and he's been really great about helping me calm down.

Something tells me that this newfound peace won't last long enough for that. Everyone looks so happy, and at ease, I hate knowing that it's all going to get disrupted sooner or later. I let my mind drift to all different situations that could occur, and how I would respond in each one.

BANG! I jump a little at the sound. I turn my head towards the shooting range on instinct, looking for who's shooting, but no one is there. My stomach drops, and I realize that the shots are coming from the warehouse.

Hastily, I grab the glock that has been discarded on the table in front of me, and run towards the clamor. I dart behind a desk, and rack my brain for a plan

Think, think. Kenma, Tsukki, Yams, Saeko, and Mad-Dog aren't here today, but that leaves Kuroo, Bo, Akashi, Suga, and Oikawa at risk of getting shot. I need to know what's going on.

There are a lot of men, but they don't seem to be shooting at people. Even then, someone is bound to get hurt with all these bullets flying.

I hear someone scream, and immediately know it's Oikawa. Is he hurt? Did they shoot him? Is he going to live? My mind races with panicked thoughts and graphic images of my boyfriend's body lying limp.

"Where's Hajime?" a loud, stern voice asks. I hear a slapping noise, followed by a whimper from Oikawa.

"I'm right here," I say, walking into the main aisle, my gun fixed on the man by Oikawa. I tense up when I see the silver blade being pressed against his pale neck. "Let him go, he didn't do anything," I say.

"Why shouldn't I kill him? Kill him right here like you did my Alisa?" The man shouts, pressing the knife harder against Oikawa's neck. Oikawa winces and leans his head back, trying to put some distance between himself and the blade.

It would be fair for him to kill Oikawa, but there's no way I'm letting that happen. I would rather die than let him hurt my boyfriend. I don't want to shoot yet, because his henchmen would probably kill everyone here, but I have to do something to save Oikawa.

"Because he's not my boyfriend." I lie. Oikawa looks at me, his expression hurt and confused. "That's Kuroo's older brother. He means nothing to me." I explain, hoping that they will let Oikawa go when they realize they can't use him as leverage.

"He doesn't mean anything to you, huh?" the man repeats. "Well then you wouldn't have a problem with it if I killed him, would you?" The man presses the blade farther into Oikawa's neck, and blood starts to trickle from the cut.

"No!" I shout, reaching my hand out to Oikawa "I mean, Kuroo would be pissed off if I let his brother die." I say, trying to stay calm. "Right Kuroo?" I shout, hoping he'll come out and back up my story. Kuroo steps out from behind a table, and nods.

"You can't kill him, he's mom's favorite." Kuroo pleads. The man scoffs, and continues pressing the silver blade against Oikawa's skin.

"You don't look alike." He observes. "Are you sure you're siblings?" He snears. Kuroo bites his lip while racking his brain for an explanation.

"Well we're step siblings. We've got different dads. My dad was abusive so mom left him and married his dad. He's the favorite kid, you can't kill him!" Kuroo stammers.

"Christ, I came here to kill Iwaizumi, not hear you fucking childhood trauma." The man says with an ice cold tone. "I'll make you a deal, I'll give you him back, if you guys slide me your guns." I do as he asks, and kick the gun towards him. Kuroo holds his hands up to show that he doesn't have a weapon.

The man smiles, removes the knife from Oikawa's throat, and tosses him onto the ground. I nod at Kuroo, and he runs up to carry Oikawa back and sits him against a table that had gotten turned onto its side.

While my attention was turned to the man who had Oikawa, it slipped past my eye that the other men that broke in had seemingly vanished. I notice now that they were checking the warehouse for other people, and now have Akashi and Bo tied up. They must not have found Suga yet, or maybe they just decided to leave him, since he's probably blackout drunk anyway.

The men who have just finished tying up Akashi and Bo move on to Kuroo and Oikawa. Kuroo puts up a fight, but he's quickly overpowered. Oikawa is too shocked to react to everything that's happening.

I brainstorm ways to get out of this sticky situation, but nothing seems like it will work. I still have my knife on my belt loop, but you know what they say about bringing a knife to a gunfight. There doesn't seem to be any course of action that won't get me killed.

"If you're gonna kill me, just do it," I say casually. "I don't have time for all this drama, just shoot me already." I walk towards the man with the gun. He raises the pistol and aims at my head.

"Don't tempt me," he grins, "I'm not going to kill you yet. You don't deserve to die that quickly," he growls. "Not after what you did to Alisa. Do you know anything about her? Do you remember what you did to her?" he asks angrily.

"Of course I remember. She was tall, and skinny with light hair and green eyes. She was eating sea urchin sushi that night." I recall. The man glares at me, and I walk closer to him. If I can get close enough without him shooting, I can grab my gun that I kicked over here and turn the tables.

"And you killed her. You piece of shit! You fucking killed her!" He shouts, tears starting to well in his waterline. I gingerly step closer, only a few feet away from the gun on the ground.

"I know and I'm so so sorry." I say crouching down. "But do you really think that this is what would make Alisa happy?" I ask, carefully wrapping my fingers round the gun on the ground. Suddenly, a foot harshly contacts my ribs.

I hear Oikawa scream, and quickly check to make sure they haven't hurt him. He looks fine, so I assume his outburst was out of concern for me. His scream reminds me of how bad this situation really is, I'm on the ground, defenseless, with who knows how many guns aimed at me head.

"Don't talk like you know what she would have wanted!" the man says, pressing his pistol into the side of my head. I tense up at the feeling of cool metal against my temple. There has got to be a way to fix this.

I have an idea, but it probably won't work. Although at this point, I'm desperate enough to try it anyway.

I roll out from under the man, and try to stand up, but a sharp pain in my ribs stops me. They must be broken. I reach for my knife, and pull it off my belt, but it won't do much good. Until I can get back on my feet, I can't do much with the blade.

"Don't you dare touch him! I'll fucking kill you for that!" Oikawa screams. "Don't touch him, I SAID DON"T TOUCH HIM!" Oikawa cried. One of the henchmen kicks Oikawa harshly, and he yelps in pain.

It was fine before, when my actions just affected myself. I could deal with the consequences when they only hurt me, but now that it's Oikawa that has to suffer, I can feel myself losing it.

"Take care of Oikawa for me Kuroo!" I shout. "Promise me you'll keep him safe. Promise me!" I cry. Hot tears begin to roll down my face, burning as if they were acid, not salt water. I glance back at the boys and notice Suga still isn't here, which I suppose is a good thing, although I doubt he's in a state to help Oikawa.

I feel another kick pound into my stomach, and I curl up in pain. I am vaguely aware of screaming around me, but it's hard to tell who's voice it is. The screams start to sound like sirens, and I feel my senses fade as I lose consciousness.

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