Chapter 8

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"Oikawa, wake up!" I whisper-yell to my sleeping boyfriend. "You said you would tell me about my past in the morning, it's morning now." I say, gently shaking his shoulder. Oikawa groans, and pulls a pillow over his head.

"What time is it?" He asks. His voice is muffled by the pillow, but it is clear that he is grumpy. "If it's earlier than seven in the morning then let me sleep." He whines. I check the watch on my wrist and take note of the time. It's close enough.

"Yep, now get up." I say, tearing the covers off Oikawa's sleeping body. He swats at me and groans again. "Come on, Oikawa, you promised to talk about this."

"Well yeah, but I didn't think it would have to be at," Oikawa reaches for his phone to check the time, "Five thirty in the morning!" he shouts, playfully hitting me.

"Okay sorry, sorry, but now you're up, so can we talk now?" Oikawa grumbles something, but then nods. "Okay, let's go make coffee or something and then we can spend all day reviewing the past twenty-some years of my life."

"Twenty-Seven." Oikawa corrects. "You're twenty-seven years old, and your birthday is June tenth." Oikawa says, climbing out of bed.

"Huh, so I was born on the day that Alexander the Great died?" I ask. I have already gotten dressed into day clothes, so I just have to wait for Oikawa to get changed out of his pajamas.

"How the hell do you forget your own fucking name but remember the day that Alexander the Great died?" Oikawa says. I think he's still angry that I woke him up so early.

"I don't know." I shrug, "When is your birthday?" I ask. Oikawa walks over to the door that leads into the kitchen and pushes it open.

"July twentieth." Oikawa grumbles. "Do you want tea?" he asks, filling up the kettle with water from the sink.

"No way, really? That's Alexander the Great's birthday too! How crazy that you were born on his birthday and I was born on his death day." I exclaim.

"Yeah, that's crazy. Now do you want tea or not?" Oikawa asks unenthusiastically.

"That depends, do I like tea?" I ask. It's crazy that I don't know things like this about. I wonder what my favorite food is. Do I like spicy foods? What cuisine do I prefer?

"Eh, you prefer coffee. I think it's too bitter, so I always drink tea. I can make you a cup of coffee if you want." Oikawa offers.

"Yes please. Now can I start asking questions about my past?" I ask eagerly. Oikawa nods, and I think of what I want to ask first. "What's my favorite food. And what's yours?" I finally decide on asking.

"You love Agedashi tofu, and my favorite food is milk bread." Oikawa answers. He pours the hot water into a mug with a tea bag in it, then walks across the room to the coffee machine.

"Do either of us have any nicknames?" I ask. Oikawa has called me Iwa-Chan several times, but I can't tell if he's the only one that calls me that. Oikawa hesitates before answering my question.

"Yeah." He finally says. He removes the pot from the coffee machine and pours a cup of coffee for me. He adds some sugar to the sup and stirs in but doesn't add any cream. So, I take my coffee with sugar, but no cream. Noted.

"You used to call me 'Shittykawa', 'Trashykawa', 'Lazykaway', 'Crappykawa', and 'Loserkawa'. And I call you 'Iwa-Chan'." Says Oikawa. I'm sure he can tell from my shocked expression that I didn't expect that response. "Oh, don't worry, it was mostly lighthearted." he assures.

"Mostly? Did we ever get into fights?" I ask. I can tell Oikawa doesn't want to answer the question, but there's no point in ignoring the past. I know that he could lie, and say that we had the ideal relationship, but I trust that I had good enough taste not to go out to someone who would lie to me about something so important.

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