Chapter 16

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"NO!" Oikawa screams


What? I pulled the trigger. Should I have blown my brains out? Wasn't that the deal? Although it was never implied that the shot had to be fatal, I never even hoped that I would survive this.

"Wha- The gun is..." I trail. I'm still getting over the initial shock of the situation. The man smiles and smiles, this time however, the grin seems to be much less malicious.

"Empty." The man finishes with a sigh. "Don't get me wrong, I had full intent to kill you. After seeing how emotional you two got though, I changed my mind. The gun was never loaded, but if you didn't pull the trigger, I would have." He says, pulling another handgun out from behind him.

"HAJIME!" Oikawa sobs. I glance over to him and see what an emotional wreck he is. I reach out to grab his arm and pull his thin frame close against mine.

Oikawa leans into the embrace but doesn't hug me back. I think he is still overcoming the shock of the situation. His lungs are falling and collapsing at a concerning rate, and I know I have to slow down his breathing somehow.

"Hey, it's alright, Kawa. I'm alright." I say softly into his ear. This seems to do the trick, because he rests his head on my shoulder and starts to level out his breathing.

"No, you aren't." He whispers.

"What?" I ask, slightly spooked by what Oikawa had said. I lived, right? So then we're okay, we get to go home, and keep living our life, right?

"I didn't say anything, Iwa-Chan." Oikawa replies. I swear I heard him speak, but maybe I'm just imagining it. "Can we go home now?" Oikawa asks.

"Yeah, yeah, sure Tooru." I say, squeezing him tighter in my arms before releasing him entirely. "Thank you, for letting us go and everything." I say with a wave to the tall man who clutches a gun in his hand.

"I didn't." He says. I turn around to look at him, but nobody else seems to have herd him, so I assume it's just another figure of my imagination.

"Yeah, yeah, just get out of here before I change my mind." He says roughly, waving us towards my car. Oikawa and I climb in, and he begins to drive.

"So..." I say carefully. I expected Oikawa to be a little bit more talkative. It's almost like I'm not even here. "Kawa?" I say, just to make sure he's actually listening.

"What?" He says. His voice is monotone. He doesn't seem very excited. I would think that after the love of my life was almost killed, I would be in a better mood, but I suppose not.

"Are we going to the warehouse, or my apartment?" Oikawa asks. He just completely ignored me. And why did he say 'my' apartment? We have joint custody over it. Wait, how did I remember that?

"Kawa, Oikawa!" I shout. He looks over at me, although he is still focusing on the road. "I remember, Tooru, I remember!" I yell excitedly. At this, Oikawa pulls over on the side of the highway, and slaps me.

"Don't fuck with me like that Iwa. You know how hard this has all been, and after what just happened?" He says angrily.

"I'm not kidding. I remember things!" I say, still enthusiastic.

"No, you don't." he denies.

"Yes, I do." I reply.

"Do not."

"Do too."

"Prove it." Oikawa challenges.

"Your birthday is July twentieth nineteen ninety-four, your favorite food is milk bread, we went to Aoba Johsai, our team colors were white and teal, you liked the jerseys because of the light blue. You use the raspberry suave shampoo, and your parents are divorced!" I say excitedly. I finally know who my boyfriend is.

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