Chapter 12

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"Shit, I'm sorry boss." Kuroo says solemnly. Several people murmur similar things in an attempt to calm me, but it's all in vain.

"What are their demands?" Daichi asks. His voice is solid and confident. I wonder if he is really as calm as he sounds, or if he's just faking it. Either way, I'm impressed.

"Me." I say. "They want me to meet them by the docks at 2 AM tomorrow. Or else they'll kill him." I elaborate. My voice is scratchy from crying, but nobody comments on it.

"Alright then, we go, we kick ass, we save Oikawa, then we leave." Kuroo says confidently. He runs his hands through his thick, tangled hair to cover up his nervousness.

"No!" I cry. "We can't!" I shout. Akashi sends Daichi a look that I can't quite read. What are they trying to communicate without me knowing?

"Hajime, this isn't the time to play hero. We have to do this." Daichi says calmly. Akashi and Kuroo nod, but nobody takes any action.

"I'm not! I'm not trying to be a hero. I don't need the fame, money, or recognition. I just need Oikawa. They said that they would kill him if we tried anything. Please, just let me do this." I beg. I can tell that my emotional outburst is really making them rethink this.

"Idiot. If you go, they'll kill you, then kill Oikawa. If you think that there is a way out of this that doesn't end in someone dying, then you're more stupid then I thought." Tsukishima says disapprovingly.

"I don't care. I don't care if I die. I have to save him. I don't care that I don't remember falling in love with him or any of the moments that we've spent together, I can tell that I would hate to live life without him. So, if I die, so be it, as long as Oikawa is okay." I say.

"Fine, say you go in to save him. Tsukki is right, if you go in alone and unarmed, they'll kill you. At least let us back you up." Daichi says.

"No, they'll know. They'll kill him. I won't let you get Oikawa killed." I say harshly. Daichi purses his lips while coming up with a counterargument.

"Then let one of us stay way back. I can take the shot from a football field away, there's no way they could see me from that far away." Daichi offers. In theory, he's right. It should work, but if it didn't Oikawa would die. Regardless of the odds, no risk is worth that consequence.

"Daichi I won't do anything to jeopardize Oikawa's safety. I'm sorry, but no." I reply.

"Don't be dense, that plan was flawless! You save Oikawa's ass, and Daichi saves yours's. None of us die. That's what you want, isn't it?" Akashi asks.

"Well, yeah, but what if they saw him? They would shoot Oikawa. That can't happen." I reiterate.

"Relax, nobody would see me. Nobody is going to be investigating a little rumble on a three-story building a tenth a mile away." Daichi says. He's so convincing. I wish I could agree, but that would endanger Tooru, and I can't do that.

"Fine, but if they notice and hurt Oikawa, I'll kill you." I say sternly. My statement receives a couple of eyerolls, and a few sighs, but Daichi and Kuroo seem relieved.

"I'm going to sleep." I announce. Although it's not very late, I am absolutely exhausted. I'm not sure why though, I hardly did any physical activity today. Maybe it's just the emotional toll that all the arguing had done, not to mention by boyfriend getting kidnapped. Regardless, I could just about fall asleep standing up.

"Hey, Boss, there are some cots over there that we sometimes sleep on. Grab a blanket from over there and try to get some sleep. I'll wake you up if anything happens." Kuroo says gently.

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