Chapter 6

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"Pst, boss." Someone whispers. Oh no, is he back? "Hey, boss." The voice whispers again. I slowly open my eyes, and wince at the bright light being shined in my face. I try to move my hands to shield my eyes, but they are still tied behind me.

It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust, but eventually I can make out several figures in front of me. Two of them are pretty tall, but the other is average height. Could they be the boys I talked to last night? No, all three of them were tall.

"What?" I ask. I can't tell how long I've been asleep, but however long it's been, it wasn't long enough. My body still aches, and my head still hurts. I really don't want to have to deal with anything this early.

"We came to bust you out." The tallest of the three says. I crinkle my forehead in confusion, and he continues explaining the situation. "It's me, Kuroo. Daichi, Bo and I are here to take you back to the warehouse." he says.

"Kuroo? As in Oikawa's stepbrother?" I ask. Kuroo looks at me funny, but then smiles and laughs quietly. The shortest of the group walks behind me and starts undoing the knots holding my arms behind me.

"We're still going on with that, Boss?" Asks Kuroo. Going on with what? Who's Bo and Daichi? Where is this warehouse everyone keeps talking about?

"Thanks," I mutter to the person who just finished untying my hands. "What's going on? I ask, hoping these three boys will be as talkative as the last.

"I already told you, Daichi, Bo, and I came to getcha out of here." Says Kuroo. "What, you get hit in the head too hard?" He jokes. It would have been funny if that wasn't exactly the case.

"Yeah actually, apparently I did. I can't remember anything from before when I woke up in this room. Except for a name - Oikawa. I've had a few things explained to me, but my understanding of everything that's happening is pretty minimal." I say.

"Shit." Mutters the second tallest man. He has spiky peppered hair, and broad shoulders. "Well in that case, I'm Bokuto, but everyone calls me Bo." He says, offering a hand to shake. I take it, and take note of how firm his grip on my hand is.

"I'm Daichi," Explains the shortest of the group. "Can you walk?" He asks, helping me out of the chair I've been sitting in. I nod, but take the hand he offers for support.

"Let me carry you into the car, we can talk more then." Offers Bokuto. He swoops me up and carries me bridal style through a series of hallways. The lights are off in the hallways, but somehow none of the boys have any problem navigating.

Eventually, we exit out of a metal door and Bokuto carries me outside. It's cool out, and the wind only makes it worse. The other boys are all wearing some kind of jacket, but I'm only in a tank top and sweatpants.

We aren't outside for long though. I am quickly dumped into the backseat of the car where I sit with Bokuto. Daichi is driving, and Kuroo sits in the passenger seat.

"Breaking me out seems too easy, there were so many people in there before, what happened to them?" I ask. The man with the knife said he was going to sleep, but I didn't expect them to leave the building entirely empty.

"We killed 'em." Says Bokuto, cracking his knuckles. I tense up immediately. Killed? How many people have died because of me? Atsumu had said that I had killed more people than he could count, and now Bokuto says that he killed a building full of people to get me out?

"Wait, wait wait, killed?" I ask. "Couldn't you have just knocked them out or something?" I ask angrily. Suddenly, a thought crosses my mind. "Wait, were any of them about six feet tall, blonde, grey, or dark brown hair?" I ask.

"Dude, I don't know. I was kind of busy saving your ass, I didn't really take note of the hair color of the people I shot." Says Kuroo from the front seat.

"Suna, Atsumu, and Osamu. Are they okay?" I ask urgently. I hope they're okay. I don't know how I could live with myself knowing that I'm the reason they died, especially given how nice they were to me.

"Oh yeah, they're actually pretty chill. We told them ahead of time that we were gonna break you out so that they wouldn't be here when we shot the place up." Bokuto explains. "They aren't exactly in our gang, but they aren't exactly not in our gang. They kind of just float around."

"Oh thank god. They were the ones who answered some of my questions. They also cleaned my cut off." I say, pointing to the gash on the side of my face. Bokouto nods, and grabs a Band-Aid to cover it up.

"Can someone please explain what happened when I got hit in the head?" I ask. The three boys eye each other, silently communicating something. "What? What are you guys hiding?" I ask desperately.

"Well it's just... It's just that you've been through a lot recently, and it might be best that we let you recover a bit before we tell you about all of this." Says Daichi cautiously. I'm fine, can't they see that? I just need to remember what happened.

"Bullshit. You called me boss earlier, doesn't that mean you should listen to me?" I ask Kuroo. He hesitates, then nods. "Then tell me what happened. It's my life, I deserve to understand it." I say. Kuroo grunts, but seems to agree. Bokuto and Daichi hesitantly nod, and Kuroo begins to explain.

"You know the people you were just with?" He asks. I nod. "Well they're bad. You killed their boss's girlfriend and now he's pissed. They broke into our warehouse and started shooting. Nobody was hurt, except you, of course. Anyway, they were gonna kill you there, but Suga called the cops and Daichi and his crew came to the rescue. Except they came a little too late, so it was too late to save you. But you're here now, so I guess it worked out alright." He says, shrugging.

"Daichi's a cop? And who's Suga?" I ask. I'm glad someone finally explained what happened, but now I have even more questions than before.

"No, I'm not. I was undercover as a police officer in case something like this happened. And Sugawara's a member of your gang. He's also my boyfriend." Daichi explains calmly.

"Boyfriend? Are you gay?" I ask. Everyone in the car starts to laugh. What did I say? What was funny?"

"You should know, you are too." Laughs Daichi. I am? "Did you forget about your boyfriend?" He chuckles. The question was rhetorical, but the answer is yes. I didn't even know I had a boyfriend.

"Yeah, I did. Can you tell me about him?" I ask, hoping that maybe I'll remember something if I get an explanation.

"I'll let Oikawa tell you himself." Daichi says, pulling into an almost empty parking lot. Oikawa? So that's why I remembered the name. He isn't Kuroo's stepbrother, he's my boyfriend.

"Wait, Oikawa?" I repeat, "I remember that name!" I exclaim. I remember! It's just a name, but it's something. Maybe the rest will come back to me later.

The car jolts to a stop, and everyone opens their doors. I climb out of the car and stumble into the parking lot. A tall skinny guy with brown hair runs up to me with his arms extended.

"Iwa-chan!" He squeals while wrapping his long arms around me in an embrace. I hesitantly hug back. Is this Oikawa? "Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" He asks. I shake my head and he pulls back gently.

"No to which one, baby?" He asks carefully. He seems really nice, I can see why I liked him. His brown eyes shimmer in the street lights.

"I'm okay. They didn't hurt me too bad, but there is one thing," I say. "I can't remember anything. I don't have any memories from before this morning." I explain. The man gasps, and puts his hand over his mouth. Slowly, he extends his arms out to me and pulls me into a hug.

"Are you Oikawa?" I ask. He gasps again, then nods. "I remember you, or at least your name." I say. I thought that this might comfort him, but it only seems to make him more emotional.

I feel my shirt start to get wet and look up to see if it's raining. It turns out, the source of the water is not from the sky, but from Oikawa's eyes. He's crying.

"Hey, hey, it's gonna be alright." I say, "I'll try to remember you more, or... or we can make new memories."

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