Chapter 11

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After my conversation with Kuroo, Akashi, and Bo, I need to blow off some steam. I decide to investigate the shooting range on the far side of the warehouse. I have no recollection of shooting a gun, but I have no doubt that I know exactly how to.

I pick up the handgun on the table and notice that it is already loaded. After I cock the gun, I hold it out and aim at the target on the wall perpendicular to my stance. I breathe in deeply, then squeeze the trigger.

Sure enough, the bullet went straight into the center of the target. I'm unsure whether or not I should be proud of myself. On one hand, this is something from my past that I remember, but on the other hand, this means that I've shot a gun enough times that it's become muscle memory.

I shoot the gun a few more times to confirm that it wasn't just a flue, but as expected, the bullet tears though the center of the target each and every time I squeeze the trigger. I stop shooting when I hear heavy footsteps walking towards me.

"What the fuck, Hajime!" Tsukishima shouts, storming towards me. "Kuroo and Akashi just filled me in. I'm not one to give my opinions on your business because frankly I don't give a fuck, but I really think this is a mistake." he says angrily.

"Look, I don't want anyone else to get hurt because of me and my decisions, so I'm not sending any of you to go out and kill someone. That's final." I say, trying not to raise my voice.

"You're being stupid. People are going to get hurt regardless. Let us act first, then at least the people who die aren't us." Tsukki insists.

He pulls a gun out of the waistline of his pants and holds it out towards the target. His eyes glance over at me to make sure I'm watching him, then he squeezes the trigger. Tsukishima's bullet hit right around the center of the target as well.

"I can shoot and I'm not stupid, which is more then half the people here can say. Send Kuroo, Bo, Mad-Dog and I in, let Akashi run coms, and have Saeko drive us in and out. The operation is flawless. We would be in and out in fifteen minutes, tops." Tsukishima says.

"Tsukishima, I'm not going to-" I start to speak, but the sound of my voice is drowned out by a startling noise.


The loud noise from Tsukishima's gun cuts me off. He smiles when I stop talking and prepares to continue his argument.

"I wasn't done talking," he says coolly, "and I won't be until you agree. I'm not going to let you jeopardize the safety of my boyfriend just so that you can feed your hero complex. Kuroo and Akashi may listen to you, but I don't. If you won't send them in, I'll go alone."

"You have a point, and I might even agree with you if Yams was actually in danger. According to Bokuto, I'm the one who pissed them off, not you. They have no reason to go after you or your boyfriend, right?" I argue.

Tsukishima is about to say something, but he is silenced by Oikawa shouting from across the warehouse. "I'm taking an uber home, Iwa-chan. I'll text you when I get home!" he yells. Oikawa glasses back at me and I nod so that he knows I heard him.

"I'm not budging on my position unless the vast majority of you agree that we should do something." I tell Tsukishima.

"Well then go get everyone. Ask them what you think. It's not a vote if you never give them the option to oppose you." Argues Tsukishima.

"Fine, we can all talk about it together if that's what you really want." I tell him coolly. I can feel my temper rising, but I need to keep my cool inorder to make responsible decisions.

Tsukishima and I spend the next couple of minutes gathering up everyone here. Once the eleven of us are standing in a circle, Tsukishima announces why we need them.

"Hajime won't send in a group of people to kill the asshole who shot up the warehouse, knocked him out, then kidnapped him." Tsukishima states. Several people let out murmurs of complaints.

"I won't be responsible for anyone else's death. Kuroo, Bo, and Daichi already shot everyone in the building I was held in. I think we've killed enough people." I argue. I see Kenma and Mad-dog nod while I speak, and I feel slightly relieved.

"Either we kill them, or they kill us. It's a death sentence not to strike first." Kuroo says. Akashi and Tsukishima nod in agreement.

"So, what is the proposed plan?" Saeko asks.

"You drive us in and out. Akashi, you run coms. Mad-dog, Kuroo, Bo and I will be in and out in no more than fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes, then we can leave this all in the past." Tsukishima says. Saeko nods, but I can't tell if it's a nod of agreement or understanding.

"Okay, Hajime said that we need a strong majority to oppose him, which is seven out of the eleven people here. If nobody else has anything to say, we can vote now." Tsukishima says. He looks around to everyone to see if anyone wants to ask anything before the vote, but nobody speaks up.

"Alright then, let's vote. All in favor of doing nothing?" He prompts. I raise my hand and look around to see who else has. Kenma raises his hand, and so do Mad-dog and Saeko. That's four, we need one more vote.

My eyes dart around the circle of people to see if anyone else has raised their hand, but it appears that nobody has.

"Alright then, that's only four which means that seven people vote to..." Tsukishima stops speaking when he notices that his boyfriend, Yams, has also raised his hand. I can tell it bothers him, but Tsukishima doesn't say anything.

Yamaguchi closes his eyes and inhales deeply. "My vote makes five, which means that the final decision is not to attack." Yams says calmly. Tsukishima balls his hands into fists, and sighs.

"Yes, yes it does. That's all then, you can go back to whatever you were doing before." Tsukishima says through gritted teeth.

My phone buzzes against my thigh, and I pull it out of my pocket to accept the call. I don't recognize the number, but I decide to answer the call anyways.

"We have Oikawa." Says a deep voice through the phone.

"What? That's impossible, he texted me just a few minutes ago!" I reply anxiously. I check my messages, only to realize that Oikawa never did text me to let me know that he made it home safely. "You son of a bitch." I breathe into the phone.

The man on the other end of the phone chuckles softly. I hear heavy breathing on the other end of the phone, then a voice that I immediately recognize.

"I'm sorry Iwaizumi. I should have been more careful. I'm so sorry." Oikawa sobs through the phone.

"You're going to be okay. I'll save you; I swear!" I shout. The phone must be back in the hands of the man with the deep voice though, because I don't hear Oikawa respond.

"If you want your boyfriend back alive, meet me at the location I'll send you after this call. Come unarmed and without backup. If I sense that you're playing with me, I'll put a bullet through your precious Tooru's head." The man threatens.

"No don't!" I cry. "I swear, I'll do whatever you want. Please, just don't hurt him. He didn't do anything, please don't hurt him." I beg. The man with the deep voice laughs again, then exhales into the microphone.

"Be here at 2 AM tomorrow night or Oikawa dies." He says, before hanging up. I receive a message with the address for where I have to meet them to save Oikawa.

Everyone in the warehouse has their eyes fixated on me, and the room has fallen completely silent.

Daichi is the first one to speak. "Did they...?" He asks. Without finishing his question, everyone knows exactly what he is asking.

I try desperately not to let the tears in my waterline fall down my face, although it isn't much use. I nod as the tears spill down my cheeks. My face feels hot and my body starts to tingle.

Everyone is watching their 'oh so tough' leader break down in tears. I struggle to catch my breath, as my tears begin to suffocate me. I wipe at my eyes and brush the salt water to the sides of my cheeks.

I stand there, crying in front of everyone, for what feels like an eternity before I finally steady my breathing for long enough to speak three words that confirm what everyone was thinking.

"They have Oikawa." 

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