Chapter 7

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"Can you talk to me?" I ask Oikawa. "It doesn't matter what you say, I just want to get used to the sound of your voice." Kuroo and Daichi had decided that it would be better for me to go home and sleep tonight, then go over everything tomorrow.

Oikawa is driving us home because we apparently live together. I don't remember ever driving the car before, but I knew the name and model immediately. Maybe I only forgot my memories with people.

"Sure baby." Oikawa coos. "Anything you want to know?" He asks gently. There are plenty of things I want to know, but Kuroo and Daichi said that it would be better to give me some time to see if I remember anything before they explain everything to me. But surely it wouldn't hurt to ask just a little bit.

"Can you tell me about us? Our relationship?" I ask Oikawa. He nods and thinks to himself for a moment, probably deciding where to start.

"Sure. We've been dating for exactly six years eight months and fourteen days. We've been best friends from as early as I can remember. I came out to you in high school, and you told me that you liked guys too. After that it was embarrassingly obvious that I liked you, and somehow I got you to like me back." Oikawa says casually.

"So, we started dating in high school?" I ask. Oikawa nods. "Can you tell me more about high school?" I request. In response, Oikawa nods again.

"The team was super supportive of us, but unfortunately, that wasn't the case with your parents. We passed off our dates as just hanging out so they wouldn't know you were gay." Oikawa says with a smile as if he were remembering fondly.

"Why couldn't I tell them?" I ask. It seems like it would have been a lot easier to just tell them Oikawa and I were dating. Oikawa grimaces at my question and purses his lips before responding.

"They were," he hesitates, "homophobic." He winces as the word rolls off his tongue. It looks like it physically hurt Oikawa to say the word.

"Oh, well then, what about after high school? Did we go to college?" I ask, eager to change the subject.

"You did. I went to Argentina to play volleyball. Only for a bit though, I missed you, so I came back to Japan to live with you." Oikawa replies happily.

"Damn, volleyball in Argentina? You've got to be pretty good then, not everyone travels to another continent to play a sport. So, do you speak Spanish then?" I ask. I wouldn't have guessed Oikawa played a sport. He isn't out of shape or anything, but he doesn't have the build of most athletes.

"Sí, un poco" He says with a smile. "But Iwa, do you really not remember volleyball?" He asks, his mood suddenly shifting. He looks really sad. Should I remember volleyball? Is volleyball referring to the sport, or something that happened while he played?

"I mean I know how the game works, but I don't remember watching you play it. Sorry, Oikawa." I apologize. I study his movements so that I can understand his reactions without having to ask him. His grip on the steering wheel tightens, so I assume it's frustrating to him that I can't remember watching him play.

I can hardly blame him. I'm sure this whole situation is completely wrecking him. His best friend for as long as he can remember, and boyfriend for over six years suddenly has no recollection of you at all. That would suck.

"No, don't be sorry. None of this is your fault, Iwa." Oikawa says, his voice cracking slightly. "I wasn't talking about you watching me play. We played together in high school, and we were actually really good. It just feels so crazy, all those hours we spent in the gym together, erased from your mind."

"I'm sorry." I apologize again. Oikawa shakes his head, silently scolding me for apologizing for something that isn't my fault. "Can you tell me more about our relationship? I want to remember you." I ask.

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