Chapter 3

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"This is the safety." I explain to Oikawa, who is holding the nine millimeter pistol in his hands. "As long as it's flipped to the side it's on now, the gun won't shoot. If you switch it like this," I say, flipping the safety off, "Then the gun will shoot."

Oikawa nods, and flips the safety a few times to get a feel for it. "Now you pull this down till it clicks, and you're ready to shoot." I say, cocking the gun for him. Oikawa lines up the target between the sights, takes a breath in, then shoots the gun.

"There you go! I'm so proud of you!" I congratulate. Oikawa grins at me, flipping the gun's safety back on. Akashi walks down the center aisle, Bo not far behind him.

"Well would you look at that," Akashi says, "It looks like Iwa-chan's gone soft." he says, mocking me. "What about me, are you proud of me, Iwa-chan?" He asks, imitating Oikawa's voice.

"Oh god, Bo, can't you just go back to giving him head so he'll shut the hell up?" I ask. Bo's face turns pink, but Akashi just smirks. "You know you talk a lot of shit for someone who can't fight." I tell Akashi.

"Why would I bother? I've always got this handsome fella to do it for me." He says, running his hands under Bo's shirt, pulling it up to reveal spots of red and purple. I make a gagging motion, and Glare at Akashi. He and I actually get along really well, but we love getting on each other's nerves.

"Oh fuck off or I'll cast those videos onto the side of the building next time we have movie night." I threaten. Despite having a kill count higher than the rest of the gang combined, I'm still the one who insists on watching a movie together at least twice a month.

"You won't." Akashi says casually, inspecting his nails. He and Oikawa are actually pretty similar, I think they'll get along pretty well.

"Oh? And why not?" I ask, pulling my pocket knife out of my back pocket to clean it off. I switch out the blade and pull on my shirt to wipe the fingerprints off of it.

"Because your boyfriend will leave you to get with me after seeing how much bigger I am." He says with a grin. I start to move towards him so that I can slap him across the face again, but Oikawa grabs the collar of my t-shirt, preventing me from moving forwards.

"Iwa, aren't you supposed to be teaching me to shoot or something?" He asks, sounding bored. "I'm running out of patience, you know." he whines.

"Fine, you got lucky. I've gotta teach this moron to fight. Bo, I suggest you teach him too, he's gonna need it." I say. I tuck my pocket knife back in and put it on my belt loops, then turn my attention back to Oikawa.

"Will you teach me how to fight?" Oikawa asks, "I wanna learn how to beat someone up, ya'know? Make 'em pay." He says, cracking his knuckles. I try to stifle a laugh, but a giggle still escapes my lips. "What?" asks Oikawa.

"First of all, you weigh like one hundred forty pounds, I can already tell you you're going to suck at fighting. And second of all, I'm not teaching you this shit so you can beat up that kid you beat you in a volleyball match in middle school." I say, rolling my eyes. Oikawa gasps dramatically, acting as if he is terribly offended by this statement.

"I'll have you know I weigh one hundred and forty five pounds. And who told you I was going to beat up Tobio?" he asks, "They were right, but I wanna know who snitched."

"Rule number one of violence, don't start fights you can't win." I say with a sigh. Oikawa gasps again and crosses his arms angrily over his chest.

"Are you saying you think I would lose a fight to Tobio?" He yells. "That bitch can't even order food without help from that short, annoying, little ginger!" he says.

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