35 1 7

I make my way to the door with both a bit of enthusiasm and hesitation in my step. My heart starts to beat faster as I walk through the hallway. I bring my right arm in front of me to grab the doorknob. The door creaks a little when I turn the knob and pull it towards myself.

When I look left and right on the sidewalk I see that there is no one there.

I did hear knocks right?

The only people I see are people walking on the other side of the narrow street. There are a couple of women, one with a baby in her arms, walking slowly while chatting with each other. A bit further I see a man in a tuxedo walking or almost running. Probably needing to get somewhere important and then a few other people enjoying the weather.

Right as I was about to close the door in disappointment I see that someone left something on my doorstep. It's a bouquet of flowers, field flowers tied together with a piece of string.

I bend my knees and pick up the flowers. Closing the door I see that it's not just flowers. There is a note too, a small light brown paper folded in half. I turn myself around and start walking towards the kitchen. After placing the flowers on the kitchen table I begin searching for a vase to put them in.

When I finally found a vase, after going through all the cupboards I have, I fill half of the vase with water. Before I put the flowers in the vase I untie the note from the piece of string around the flowers.

I am not the handiest person so I struggled to put the flowers in the vase. But when I finally succeeded I took the note that was still on the table. I have no idea who it could be from or what it will say.

Still standing in the middle of the kitchen I fold open the small piece of paper to read what is on it.

To Tommy,

Meet me in The Hideout at 2 pm.

Be there.



I read the paper about five times out of amazement and confusion. And especially whose name is on there.


It's him. Immediately so many questions start flooding into my head and almost all of them start with why.

Why him? Why me? Why did he ask me to go meet with him? How did he know where I live? Why put so much effort to give me flowers and a note? Am I going? Why am I even worrying about this so much? He is just a friend I haven't seen in quite a while if I can even call him a friend.

I look down at my watch wondering how much time I have left till I have to head out. It's quarter to twelve so that should give me enough time to get ready.

Out of excitement and nervousness, I keep muttering under my breath. What am I even going to wear? Something chic or something habitual? But then I realize I still don't know if I am going to go. I am really going to go?

1 pm

With those conflicting thoughts, I wasn't able to eat much for lunch. The less time I have, the more nervous I get. In the meantime, I had decided what I was going to wear. I decided on my light brown pants and my favorite jumper which is dark blue and has red and grey stripes on it. As for shoes, I don't have much choice because I only have one pair so the dark brown ones it was.

Half-past one.

It's a ten-minute walk from my house to the cafe. So that gives me another twenty minutes to get ready. I really considered going at this point. You know, just hear what he has to say and maybe also because I really want to see him again.

With that thought, memories came back from the last time I saw him. Memories I had forced out of my head. I don't like thinking back at that time first of all because it was war, and it still is, but also because I thought I was never going to see him again. But here I am.

Quarter to two.

After brushing my teeth and putting a bit of perfume and decent clothes on I walk into the hallway to put my shoes and coat on. Now my nerves are going through the roof, my hands are shaking and my heart is racing, I just can't help it.

I pull the door open and quickly realize that I've almost forgotten my keys and wallet. I take a few steps back to grab them and walk back to the door now ready to go.

Walking down the street I notice that it's a bit cloudy. That would explain the lack of people on the street in comparison to the sunny morning. Only a few kids running and playing and besides that, just a couple of people in the distance going about their day.

There is a good possibility that it might rain this afternoon, that should be fun.

The questions I had this afternoon start flooding back in my head when I cross the street ready to go walk in and talk to him again or not and just sit there and be creepy which is probably what will happen since I am super nervous.

Why did he ask me? Will he even be there? What am I going to say to him? Why am I even so nervous about this? I am just meeting up with a friend, there is nothing for me to be nervous or excited about, right?

With that last conclusion in mind, I push my right arm against the heavy door of the cafe.

A couple of people look up from what they were doing at the sound of the bell at the top of the door. I immediately feel my cheeks getting a little red. I get really embarrassed when people stare at me, always makes me feel like I did something wrong.

As a distraction, I start looking around at the people who are there. More specifically, if he is there.

I keep looking to spot a young man with chocolate brown hair and green eyes sitting somewhere in the cafe. Maybe he is sitting at one of the tables or at the bar or even in one of the few booths in here.

But he isn't here.

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