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"I am so relieved we finally got out of there. He just kept talking with no end, it was getting so boring."

"Yes me too. I wasn't listening to him for one second," Alex admits while taking his place next to me on the sidewalk just past the cafe.

"Yes me neither," I say, laughing about what just happened there.

We walk in silence along the sidewalk. Maybe I should say something, start a conversation. But my mind is not helping me trying to find something to say. Then I remember I haven't thanked him for the flowers. That could maybe start a conversation.

When we are at the end of the street we stop walking, turn to each other and start talking at the same time.

"So, I wan-"

"Would yo-"

"You can talk first." We say in unison.

"No, you go," I say, making the final decision.

"Okay, so I wanted to ask you if you would like to take a walk with me."

"Yes of course. I would really like that," I respond as a smile appears on my face.

"Okay good," Alex says, returning the smile and taking a pack of cigarettes with a zippo lighter out of his pocket. He takes one out of the pack and sticks it between his perfect plump pink lips - Did I just think his lips are perfect? - and lights it up.

After he took his first drag on the cigarette we start walking and he speaks again.

"Do you want one?" He offers, holding the pack in my direction.

"No thank you, I don't smoke."

Alex raises a brow as I decline his offer. I understand his reaction, I mean it is pretty weird I don't smoke because literally, everyone does. I just decided not to.

I did try it once when I was younger. All of my friends were trying it and kept telling me to do it with them, so I did. Since then I never did it again, I don't like the feeling in your lungs when you inhale.

"So where are we going?" I say, trying to get out of the uncomfortable silence as we're walking next to each other.

"There is a spot I want to take you to."

"Oh, and where might that be?"

"You'll see, it's not far from here."

Falling into another silence I start thinking about how I never in a million years thought I would end up in this situation. Not that I didn't want this to happen because I really did but more because I thought this man walking next to me was out of my life forever.

"How have you been?" Alex finally asks, before taking the last drag from his cigarette and throwing it on the ground.

I look up at him while trying not to fall.

"I have been pretty good actually. How have you been?"

"Pretty good myself, I think. Been doing all kinds of things, been here and there."

"And what are you doing now then?"

"I arrived here almost a week ago now and I am planning on staying for a while. I got my first day of work here tomorrow actually."

"Oh, that's so nice! What kind of job? If you don't mind me asking."

"I am going to be working with the local shoemaker, in his shop."

"You are going to do great. That man is very friendly, welcomes everyone with open arms."

"Take a right here," Alex says as he gestures to the right with his hand.

Turning the corner at the end of the street I realize where we are. I have been too distracted listening and talking to Alex I didn't even notice.

I come here sometimes to empty my head and read a book. If the weather wants it of course. One day I was sitting here just enjoying the view and then out of nowhere it started pouring. When I came home I was soaking wet.

We are at the flower field a couple of blocks away from my house.

We are at the flower field a couple of blocks away from my house

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"This is where I got the flowers from."

"I still wanted to thank you for them. They were very pretty," I say, a warm feeling forming in my cheeks.

Am I blushing?

"Your welcome," He says, now sitting on a wooden bench along the narrow path next to the field.

The sun broke through the clouds and is shining on his face making him tilt his head back and close his eyes, enjoying the warm feeling. Normally his hair color is close to a dark brown but as a result of the sun, it now is a beautiful light brown color.

I slowly walk over to where Alex is sitting and sit down next to him with still a good amount of space between us. Only momentarily since Alex slides closer, closing the gap between us, our legs almost touching. My body freezes at how close he is.

"So, what do you do around here?" Alex asks, turning his head to me.

"I am a teacher at the school nearby." My words disappear in the loud noise above our heads.

Three spitfires fly by over the town. It happens now and then, everyone has gotten used to the noise.

"What did you say?" He asks once the spitfires are gone.

"I am a teacher at the school nearby," I repeat.

"Oh, you're a teacher? What do you teach?"

"History. Is that such a surprise to you?"

"Yes, a little bit. Never thought you'd become a teacher. With all those annoying boys."

"First of all, I have always wanted to become a teacher. And second of all, they are not annoying. They can just be a little too excited sometimes," I say in a calm voice.

"I am happy you are doing good." He puts his arm behind me on the back of the bench and rubs his hand on my left shoulder.

"Also, I missed you. I am happy we got to find each other again after so long," He admits, making me look up at his eyes to find them looking right back at me.

"Me too, I missed you too." I really did.

I feel my slightly faster heartbeat under my warm skin covered with sunlight. That warm feeling being disturbed by a weak breeze on this Sunday afternoon in May.

With me looking in his emerald green eyes and him looking in my cinnamon-brown ones I forget about the world around us. Being sucked into a world with just him and me. Without worries, without problems.

It doesn't last long since Alex stands up from the bench, breaking the eye contact. He walks over to the flowers in front of us. He bends down and he picks a small bright yellow flower.

He walks back to stand in front of me. I look up at him while raising a brow.

"What are you do-"

"Pretty," He whispers as he puts the little flower behind my ear. 

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