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Those beautiful emerald green eyes... 

It has now been three years since I have seen those for the first time but I still remember every moment of it like it was yesterday.

I was hiding under the mole, with another young man waiting to get on that ship at the last minute so they wouldn't see us. He wasn't very talkative but we both knew we had the same goal. We needed to get on that ship even if they wouldn't let us, we needed to get out of there.

My heart was racing like crazy. Even more when those officers, or whatever they were, passed by above us. If they would have seen that we were down there on those not very comfortable wooden beams we would certainly be dead meat, I can tell you that.

Suddenly, in the midst of my panic, I hear a slightly too familiar sound coming from the distance.


Everything went so fast after I heard them approaching. 

Everyone on the mole and on the ship ducked while they were protecting their heads with their helmets or hands. But you can't hide from a bomb that is coming right at you. There is nothing more to do than hope and pray one doesn't land too close to you or you are flying in the air or worse, your head flies away without your body.

I heard the first bombs fall on the mole, not that far away from where I was sitting. I immediately put my hands on the sides of my head to protect my ears from the loud explosion but I knew they would be whistling anyway.

I heard the following bombs falling just seconds after the first ones. They were coming even closer, and I was right. They were falling right on the boat next to us. The boat I was going to use to get out of there, my way out.

There wasn't much time to think about that because my eyes went to the soldiers who were now yelling for help. A lot of them were already jumping off the ship so they wouldn't sink along with it.

"Cut her loose, and push her off! We can't let her sink at the mole!" "Abandon ship!" I heard several men shouting.

The boat was slowly filling itself with water and started to tilt towards the pier. A couple of soldiers got stuck between the boat and the wooden beams of the pier and were screaming out in pain while they were being squished to death with no one being able to save them. 

It was horrible to see these things but it is war.

Me and that other kid started moving closer to the ship, maybe being able to save some men. 

So we make our way to the ship around those beams, trying not to fall into the cold water. At that exact moment, a young man ahead of me caught my eye. He was struggling to get from in between the boat and the beams. He was just close enough to snatch his hand and pull him out of the water. His surprisingly large and strong hand grips my forearm while I do the same around his.

When he sat himself on one of the beams next to me he looked up and our eyes met for the first time. Everything went quiet around me. All my worries went away. I had never seen such beautiful green eyes.

"Hey," he said very quietly, almost whispering through his heavy breathing.

I didn't know what to say back to the stranger, the very pretty stranger with beautiful green eyes, whose name I didn't even know.

I didn't know what was happening to me.

"Sweetheart, I'm home!"

I jump by the sudden sound of Alex's voice, right when I'm at the end of the part I was reading because the rest of the page was blank.

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