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I turn the last number on the phone and bring the horn to my ear. It feels like forever before he picks up the phone.

"Alex?" I say carefully after a few seconds of silence. "Tommy?" he asks.

"Yes, it's me."

"W- why are you calling? I thought you didn't want to hear or see me ever again."

"Well, yeah I did at first," I say thinking back at my terrible reaction in that alleyway.

"Oh..." He sounds a bit sad and disappointed.

"But it's okay now."

"How? It's so bad what I did. You can't believe how sorry I am." I can hear the guilt in his voice.

"Do you know Elise came by today?"

"Did she really?" He asks surprised. I assume Elise didn't tell him anything about her visiting me.

"Yeah, she did"

"So please consider giving him a second chance. He didn't mean to hurt you in any way," Elise says as she puts on her coat ready to leave. "Maybe give him a call. If you are ready for that of course."

"I will. Thank you so much for passing by. I really appreciate it," I say, opening the front door for her.

"You're welcome. Enjoy the rest of your evening, Tommy."

"You too, Elise." She steps outside and I give her a polite smile before closing the door.

I walk into the kitchen to get a cup of milk before walking into the living room. I place the cup next to the phone and pick up the horn. Let's give this a try.

"I am so sorry. I already told her that I would fix this myself. I am so sorry. I will tell her that this is not okay."

"Alex, I am happy she did."

"What? You are?"

"Yes, I am. We had a really good talk. So please don't be mad at her. In fact, you should thank her. She made me realize how bad you must have felt and that I should give you another chance."

"A- and do you?" He asks with little confidence. "D- do you give me another chance?"

"I thought everything through and you know, I was very drunk and we just had an argument. It was just too much at once. So yes, I give you a second chance."

"Yeah, you're right. Thank you."

"No problem... So from now on, you don't have to worry anymore. I am not mad."


Alex and I didn't talk for much longer. I was getting tired and I guess he was too because he didn't sound as enthusiastic as he usually is.

I wake up at the sound of the phone ringing. Who calls on a Sunday morning? I force myself to sit up and look at my watch.


I must have been very tired last night. I don't like waking up late. It always feels like you have wasted half your day. Especially on a Sunday because I always want to go to the market. It's a good way to start the day.

I walk into the living room in the direction of the phone.


"Tommy?" A familiar female voice asks on the other side of the phone.

"Yes, that's me."

"Hi, Tommy. It's me, Elise."

"Yeah, hi how are you?"

Sunken shipsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon