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I walk through the empty hallway on my way to the teacher's room.

The school day just ended and all the boys have left the building already. They are always trying to get out of here as fast as possible.

I don't blame them. I mean I can't say I loved school enough for me to stay longer than I had to. Except for the couple of times I got detention.

One time was when I was around 13. I was in English class, the last class of that day. Me and a few other friends were getting so bored that we decided to pull a little prank on the teacher.

The teacher I had at the time was a very old man so his hearing wasn't that good anymore. That gave us the advantage of making conversation with each other while he was writing something on the blackboard or doing something at this desk.

Harold, my best friend at the time that was sitting next to me, came up with the plan. He told me it would be fun if we would switch places with each other and other people in the class when the teacher wasn't looking.

I laughed hearing the plan but agreed immediately. It could bring some action into this boring class.

He turned around and explained the plan to the boys sitting behind us. They agreed right away. Harold added that they should pass on the plan so that everyone gets to hear it.

Everyone was aware of the plan and agreed to it, except for Richard, the nerd of the class, and we waited for the teacher to turn around.

The teacher was done with his explanation and he turned around to write down a few of the things he explained. That's when we took our chance. I quickly switched places with Harold and some other boys switched places too before the teacher turned around again.

He didn't notice anything the first time, so why not do it again?

I was going to switch with a kid that was two rows behind me. It was a bit more of a risk but I could make it.

As soon as the teacher turned around again we took our chance. Me and the kid crossed paths. We were almost there when I heard the teacher shout.

"What do you think you are doing?"

I froze, with my head down as if I tried to disappear or be invisible.

After a few seconds, I look back up and see that I am not the only one standing up. Harold and another kid were not where they were supposed to be either.

So because of that whole thing the three of us got detention.

I always smile thinking back to those times. So much has happened since then.

I turned into the teacher's room and almost bumped into my colleague.

"Oh Tommy, you're still here. I thought you left already" He says, and we both take a step back.

"Yeah, I just have to get some files and then I am going home."

"Well, then I will leave you to it. And you have a good weekend!" He says, already walking backwards towards the exit.

"You too!

I was just in the teacher's room when he spoke again.

"Hey, Tommy! I think there is someone outside waiting for you."

What did he say? Somebody is waiting outside for me?

I probably heard it wrong.

I walk further into the room towards the rack where all the files of all the different teachers are on.

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