Anger~ Story about me

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things Just haven't been the same since she left *Looking down while just laying down* I haven't been the same I've been ignoring everyone It's like knives slitting down my throat every time that I think of her I feel my heart throb I feel myself wanting to nail my skin until it bleeds but something is telling me that it's not worth it but every Memory every kiss every hug every time we've met eyes keep flash backing in my head But all the Hurt is turning into Anger all my crying is gone all my forgiveness is gone all I could feel Is my heart turning into pure hate I narrowed my eyes with hatred at the thought as her eyes scorch my soul I see her I feel her as she shines with the sun Is Blazing me out of control Desire is turning me To sin! All I know is I Have Done my chances to her everything she promised every single day she told me she loved me every day she told me she was with me But No ANY Gurl she sees she has to go after all I know is she has failed to see my scars My touch is black and Poisonous Now I'm Like a scarf trick it's all up the sleeve I Taste Like Magic! All I Know is she will regret it one day she's on her own I tried every damn thing i can do just to make her feel loved and to tell her she's not alone but yet she just left me Like a Piece of Trash I don't think so My eyes narrowed with pure hate She has Crossed the line all I Know is whenever she comes back she will know she was wrong about me I have to have ice in my veins to do anything that I do I expect the ice to melt but it doesn't it just gets colder and colder and I welcome it  All I know she is going to regret it But I should be thankful all the pain is gone I'm free now But I can't enjoy it not yet But I can be patient All I Know is I've turned into something I didn't want to turn into I've become Evil My Heart is Filled with Revenge all I can do is smirk when people get what they deserve which is horrible things I laugh whenever something horrible is going on with my enemies when they get what they deserve I turn on people I Hurt people I even Make people fear me this is just as good People turn out like me whenever I get close to them Gangclan isn't like it was last year we've gotten closer almost the whole school fears us we've made a Blood oath  together and that means forever and more until we die and we sometimes fight each other but at the end of the day we are still together as family we fight for each other my closest person that I probably could trust is only Kaleeyha but she's also someone you don't want to mess with either most people fear her then they do me all I know is There is nothing That is going to make me change I might be nice and all Until they meet me and see my true colors of who I actually am  But all I Know is I will get what I am after I didn't want to be this way But She has asked for it Big time I have had enough of this shit and I will get what I am After *narrows my eyes* Even if I die trying fifty words of Murder and I'm every one of them.

OK well I'm not really going to do anything Because I'm not really like that but Mostly will fight if i have to 

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