Pain~ Story about me and Jac

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Why d' you make me suffer?" I asked "Because I love you." she responded  Now it was my turn to get angry. "No, no, you don't love me! People in love want happiness, not pain!" I yelled "People in love want only love, even at the cost of pain." she Explained "Then you're making people suffer on purpose." I responded coldly *looking at her with hatred* I narrowed my eyes "your nothing but a useless Half blind Joke of a women" I yelled at her *her eyes watered* "But K-" I Interrupted "DON'T SAY ANYTHING!" I yelled at her she looked at me fearfully  *circles around with narrowed eyes My growls and snarls were like Lion noises in my mind* "You can keep telling yourself that" I sneered at Jac "but Deep down inside I know you will always be a Pathetic Little Bitch!" After an Hour I looked down at Jacquelynn "you should of Stepped down While you had the chance" My eyes narrowed all there was was Evil and Revenge in my eyes I walked away from Jacquelynn and I walked down alone "You think something like that would hurt, after all I've been though?" I thought as I look at a Pic of Jacquelynn I narrowed my eyes after the fight I had with Her I knew she would Never come back  "I Suddenly Forget that I am a Monster, and become happy when I'm around humans who actually have feelings for others" *looks down in pain and guilt* "Between the old me and the new me I've actually lost my actual self" I scratched the dirt on the ground "What's wrong isn't me, what's wrong is the world!" I sighed feeling bad for the thing I did to Jacquelynn and everything I have done to her I look down In shame "the Monster I have become" "But" I looked up at the sky "I Know that I'm human" I smiled a bit "even though I make bad choices I know that I am only human" I walked down to my sister Katy who maybe has a better life then me She always smiles gets better sleep eats healthier then I do and mostly a lot of people understand her more then they do me *looks down* I've just been to Distant Lately I just haven't had time for making people understand Just they Betray So much and I just got tired of talking about it *looks up at the sky* I just stopped worrying about myself a long time ago *sighs* I just to worried for the sake of others I just forgot about myself I try loving someone and they just throw all the love back at you give someone your heart and they just throw it and smashes it and walks away from it like it's some type of bug that was just wanting to get to a safe place not wanting to get hurt or to get killed but Mostly that's just what happened to my heart and that is just what changed me I'm different I've changed "Once you come the thing you fear, Fear goes away." *looks at kaleeya* "your wounds may scar you but don't allow them to define you. be better not bitter"  everything has been so long Life has been so long but the days have been short I just been sleeping a lot lately and waking up to see daylight but I always felt annoyed of the daylight that's been shining in my face and all I want is the Darkness to fill inside my room so I will be able to sleep and forget about what will happen next in life *looks at the texts Jacquelynn sent me* somehow something feels wrong about being in touch with her again something in my gut is saying it will not last long But mostly I just try to fit in and everyone just has to judge me for the way I am every time I just try to get happy others always have to make their points and piss at me because they wanted what I had and I just sit there judging myself and wondering why am I even here Just wondering what did I do wrong? every one has just been acting like I have done something to ruin something they wanted mostly Some people just don't have the damn Balls to say something and they get mad at me Just because I know how to say something and they get pissed and Jealous cause I got to them first I just wanted to actually have people to understand me but No they only care about themselves mostly EVERYTHING has to be about them and then That's when they come running to me cause Nobody else will listen and they have to take me for granted and they wonder what made me change the way I am today I am just done with those people.

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