Pain~ story of my thoughts

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*sits on my chair staring out in space* things have changed whenever she has left I've been so distant lately my friends of my clan have been getting worried about me Kaleeha and I haven't been so close now like we used to be Anazia and I barely talk anymore it's like she said she will be there but next thing you know they will find your company old and they will move on to find someone else who has better company this is basically what happens whenever I care about someone they just leave now I'm just sitting here wondering why I even care about myself *keeps staring out into space* She's gone every message every love moment every smile every hug and kiss is gone Now I'm sitting here wondering what I have done wrong I'm sitting here wondering why in the hell I am sitting here thinking about someone when I'm supposed to move on and move forward and try to forget but I can't something is always pulling me back I've been trying to get close to a Gurl to try and forget everything that has happened I just want to be happy for once but it still hurts not like it used to but thank god that past but every time I hear a song about love or break up every word every verse reminds me of her *keeps staring in space* I've been so distant to my clan they've probably have been giving me time to myself the only people I've been with was only my BFOE and my Crush and my sister and Her gurl other then that I've haven't had any contact with anyone in my clan I don't know if I will get out of this dark place right now but all I know I'm not deep enough to see total blackness I just see the light maybe the Darkness is there waiting on me knowing that I may go back into that empty hole and just lay there things just haven't been twisting in the right direction I'm not able to sleep at night I just keep dreaming about her dreams that will Probably will Never happen they say when you dream about your ex You still have feelings for your old flame. You need to grieve this period. I've been grieving for almost five months I don't know I thought about drinking the memories away but it wasn't a option to bad I can't hardly trust my visions they change every damn time why won't they just pick something and stay with it I dreamt that her and I were madly in love with each other  Then the problem is that I still yet to have drawn a line under the story. *keeps staring out in space* Like it or not there's still a part of me that still have feelings for her That's why they often appear to you at night. other than that If you are in a relationship and you have finished your previous story, be careful, your unconscious is trying to alert you to your current situation. It is possible that you are reliving the same kind of situation or that you are reproducing the same pattern and the same mistakes. Take the time to think about it, and think about it before it's too late!" they say No it's already to late I don't know what to do now maybe it wasn't really meant to be I've been trying to figure out a way to try and get her back but No she's gone she hasn't text me in months ever since the last face time call but If it wasn't really meant to be? why am I still thinking about her  This type of dream may simply mean that you are in need of affection. You feel lonely and it's convenient to imagine yourself back in your ex's arms. *blinks once then stares back into space* No even how much I itch for it they will still hurt you again This dream reminds you that you are not alone, that you are loved and that you will love again. No That's not really what I Imagine in my dreams Have confidence in the future.

No it's not like it's going to happen again I've been trying to move on and on but it just keeps on happening I just want her out of my head I Wish I Never said Yes I just want to move on and forget about her that's all I want!.

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