5. always forever

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time: morning

"So did you guys hear about that gryffindor party going on tonight?" Ron asked as he took a bite of his food.
Well it wasn't really a bite, it was more of him scarfing down a whole plate of scrambled eggs.

"Yeah we heard of it, we're starting the year off quite nice, throwing a party. Don't you think?" Luna said in her soft, angelic voice.

"Yeah, it's a shame they didn't let us join in on the fun last year." You said as you took a bite of your sausage.

You continued to talk about the party amongst yourselves and making sure some of the Slytherin's wouldn't hear, especially one in particular, Malfoy. It didn't seem like he heard so you where all relived he wouldn't be coming to the party tonight.


"So Mione what are you wearing to the party?" You asked her. "Probably just a skirt and top." She answered as she looked through her wardrobe.

 You picked out a black and white plad skirt with a clear lace white top

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You picked out a black and white plad skirt with a clear lace white top.


"Read to go? You look great y/n." Hermione told you. "Thank you Mione, you as well!" You nodded your head and grabbed her arm. As soon as you left the dormitory you heard the blasting music coming from the common room. You and Hermione exchanged looks of excitement and headed downstairs faster.

The common room was filled with flashing lights, snacks, and drinks. Many students had drinks in their hands or a cigarette.

You ran up to Ron who was holding a cup of fire whiskey in his hand. "Ron where's the fire whiskey?" You asked him. Ron looked at you for a second, admiring your beauty. "Yeah how funny. Y/n drinking fire whiskey? Like hell." He laughed and drank some fire whiskey. "Hey i've been drunk before!" You said as you grabbed his cup from his hand and chugged it down. "Y/N!" Ron whined. "Now I have to go back and get more!"

You winced at the drink but tried not to show your reaction.
The aftertaste hit you and felt amazing. You needed more. "Come on show me where the fire whiskey is!" You pleaded but all Ron did was shake his head no. "Fine i'll just go ask George then." You ran off to find George or Fred, pushing past the people dancing.

While you looked for them you found a table with a bunch of bottles of fire whiskey in a big bucket of ice. You re-filled Ron's cup to the brim and continued drinking from it.

"Woah y/n look at you, you look great" George said as he admired your body. "You don't look too bad yourself Georgie." You joked as you took a sip from your cup.

You realized one of your favorite songs where playing.

"George come on let's dance!" You said as you quickly chugged down the drink and pulled George into the crowd of people dancing. "This girl is gonna be the death of me." George whispered as you started jumping up and down with the crowd.

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