16. heaven knows i'm miserable

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You woke up to the sound of someone blasting music. Apparently today was the day you find out the contestants of the triwizard tournament. Your head was pounding from last night and you felt a huge scar on your cheek. "What the hell happened." You groaned as you got up. The room was empty just as you expected. How did you even change into different clothes?

Probably Hermione. You changed into your uniform and began to brush out your hair. When you looked in the mirror you saw your make up was gone as well. Your head was throbbing so much you didn't even finish brushing your hair. You just quickly brushed your teeth and left the dorm.

You tried to get to the great hall as fast as you could without passing out. Once you finally walked in all of the tables were gone. There were seats on the side of the walls and a big fountain looking think. Professors and Dumbledore were in the middle next to the fountain.

You looked around the crowd and found Ron sitting alone with Harry. He was holding something in his hand. "Hey guys! Where's everyone else?" You asked as you walked up to them. Ron looked at you and his face was starting to grow red. "We couldn't find them so we just stayed here." Harry told you. "I'm so excited, I wish we could enter." Harry continued. "Oh uhm here this is for you, I felt bad you never got your latte so I got you one myself." Ron smiled and handed you the cup.

"Oh thank you so much!" You pulled Ron in for a hug. It was a simple gesture but it showed he cared and that made you feel better. "This will really help my headache thanks." You laughed as you took a sip. Dumbledore asked for silence as he was going to read out the names now. You tuned out his words and focused on your thoughts.

You never liked the man. Something just seemed off about him. Like he's hiding something from you. "When will this stupid headache go away." You thought. Suddenly a loud noise echoed through the room. A fourth paper spat out the fountain. "What..." You whispered. "Harry Potter." Dumbledore whispered. "Harry Potter!" Dumbledore repeated even louder. "Harry go on." You gave him a push.

Harry slowly walked up to the goblet. "He's a cheat!" Someone yelled out. "He's not even seventeen!" Another boy yelled out. "Everyone's dismissed head back to your dorms, now!" Dumbledore shouted.

You've never seen him so mad. "Come on Ron we better go." You held onto his pale hand and left the great hall. "I can't believe it. That good for nothing lier. How could we trust him." Ron spoke out in anger. "Woah woah woah relax Ron, what are you talking about." You let go of his hand.

"Isn't it obvious he put in his own name! He knows i've dreamt about performing in the tournament since I was little." Ron said as you two sat down by the nearest tree. "Why would your best friend lie to you? Someone clearly set him up Ron, don't be silly." You told Ron. "Is that what you think?" Ron asked you. "Yeah it is." You replied

"Well then you're an idiot, I can't believe you're actually trusting him over your best friend." Ron shouted. "What is wrong with you! Harry is clearly in trouble and you're being so selfish!" You got up and walked away. "Y/n wait!" Ron shouted. But it was too late.

You were pissed at Ron. How could he believe such a thing? His own best friend, lie to him like that? He's completely out of his mind.

You walked back to your dorm and found all of your friends there. "Jesus why are George, Fred and Luna here too? Wait sorry that came out so rude. My headaches been killing me." You told them as you grabbed some clothes to change into.

"We're thinking about Harry, someone's clearly sabotaged him." Ginny spoke out. "That's what i'm saying!" You exclaimed as you walked into your bathroom. You changed out of your uniform and into some comfy clothes. You walked back out and began to clean up your side of the room. "Oh by the way Hermione, thanks for changing me last night." You fluffed up your pillow.

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