9. relax

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"What what is it?!" Ron's jaw dropped when he saw the cat. He was bleeding from his stomach. "How the hell did this happen?" Ron asked you. "I...I don't know Ron." You felt a tear fall down your face as the cat let out a meow.

"Ron do something, please. Fine the spell book in Ginny's room!" You yelled out. "Alright alright." Ron climbed down and disappeared.

"It's gonna be alright Apollo, just hang in there baby." You said as you pet the top of his head. A couple minutes later Ron came back with a spell book and his wand.

"Ferula" Ron said as he pointed his wand at the wound. You watched as the wound closed and the blood from the cats fur disappeared. "Bless magic." You sighed out. You looked down to see the cat sleeping in your lap. "We should go..." Ron suggested. "But she just fell asleep Ron, can't you go without me?" You pleaded.

"Okay fine but i'm staying, I don't want you to be left alone." Ron said. "Sounds good to me." You carefully took off your leather jacket and placed it on the couch above you.

You felt your eye lids getting heavier by the minute as you and Ron talked. "Are you tired?" He asked you. "Just a bit." You yawned. "Same here." Ron got up from the floor and plopped down on the couch above you.

"We've gotta wake up early tomorrow." Ron said as he laid down across the couch. "Yeah we do" You closed your eyes. "Good night Ron" You whispered. "Good night."
"Night." Ron said.

You woke up to Apollo screaming and found your self curled up in a blanket on the floor

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You woke up to Apollo screaming and found your self curled up in a blanket on the floor. Apollo was standing next to an empty food bowl.

"Good morning 'Pallo." You yawned. You did a little stretch before getting up and looking for some food.

"Sorry bud looks like we're all out, let's go get something else from inside, yeah?" You made your way down the ladder still half asleep and began walking back to the burrow.

The door swung open and you entered the burrow. Everyone was sitting at the table eating breakfast. "Where were you?" Ginny turned her head to you. "Oh uhm I was just walking outside that's all." You said. Apollo jumped onto the table and stared down at a plate with no one sitting next to it. "Go for it." You told him. He began eating the bacon on the plate leaving everything else alone.

"Oh uhm does anyone know what happened to Apollo? Me and Ron found her bleeding in the tr- uh woods." You asked. "Nope." Lavender squeaked. "Alright...anyone else?" Everyone shook their heads no.

"Whatever it's fine, anyways we'll be leaving now, I think we're all ready?" You asked. "Are you gonna be going in yesterday's clothes?" Lavender asked you. "Oh yes that's right, i'll be back." You rushed up stairs and quickly opened up your packed suitcase. You pulled out the first thing you saw which was jeans, a white top, and a green jacket.

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