13. two of hearts

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You sat up in your bed, unable to sleep the whole night. It saddened you that Ron was complementing Lavender like this. You didn't like him or anything (you claimed) it just pissed you off and you weren't sure why.

"Harry?" You gave him a light push. He rolled over and sighed. "Yes?" He sat up and looked at you. "Do you think Lavender and Ron would make a good couple?" You asked him. "That's why you woke-" He paused and thought for a moment. "She's jealous isn't she?" He thought to himself. "Not really, I mean they're just too different. Plus she kinda tries too hard I can see it. Why do you like him?" Harry asked.

"No no no!" You whisper shouted. "He's my best friend nothing more." You sighed. "Right...we'll i'm gonna go back to sleep let me know if you need something." Harry turned over and pulled the cover over his head. "Might as well get some sleep." You thought to yourself as you did the same as Harry.
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"Y/n wake up..." Ginny began to lightly shake you away. "We've got to go back to school." Harry said as he threw on a shirt. "Blimey at least change in the bathroom." Ginny blushed. "That's a good point." Harry laughed as he closed his suit case.

"Okay i'm up." You sat up in your bed and looked around on what you needed to pack. You grabbed the wand on your night stand and gave it a flick, everything was packed and the clothes you planned on wearing were now on the end of your bed. "Thank god magic exists." You said.

You waited for everyone to leave the room and once they did you began to change. You put on a white shirt and some red plaid shorts, cute yet comfy.

 You put on a white shirt and some red plaid shorts, cute yet comfy

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You brought down your luggage and looked around. "Ready to go?" You asked everyone. "Yep." Everyone said.

"Okay i'm sending the luggage to Hogwarts." You said as you flicked your wand at the luggage. They disappeared and went to the luggage department along with other bags. "Okay let's go." You smiled. "Hey shouldn't we put a leash on the cat?" Lavender asked.

"No." You laughed. "He won't run away, I trust him." You looked down at Apollo. "Alright let's go i'll drive." Hermione said as you all left the house. You sat in your car and squeezed in. "Well this sure is comfy." Ron laughed. The order was Harry at the window, then you, Ron, and Lavender near the other window. Ginny decided to sit in the front.

"Alright buckle up." Hermione said. You began to drive to the train station. Just as Hermione took a rough turn you felt your self squish up against Ron. "Oh sorry Ron, didn't mean to do that." You apologized. "It's okay." He laughed. You smiled and continued the conversation.

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"Finally we arrived." You let your car drive its self back home and you all stepped inside. You walked to your platform and arrived just a couple minutes early to chat with some people. "Guys it's Fred and George!" You ran up to them and gave George a big hug. "Hey George how was your little vacation?" You asked as you looked up at him.

"It was totally wicked we did so much." George said as he looked over to Fred and Ellie. "Hey guys!" You waved to the both of them. "Hey y/n why don't you sit with us on the train?" Elle offered. "Course I will." You smiled. You turned to Ron and your friends. "Hey i'm gonna stay in George's compartment, we'll talk after we get off if that's alright?" You told them. "Go for it." Harry said as he winked at you. "Hey! George and I are just friends!" You smiled. "For now." Hermione laughed.

"Oh shut it." You laughed as you turned back around and quickly caught up with George and the rest. "Hey so tell me about your summer!" You smiled up at them as you scooted closer to George.

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"No way!" You laughed so hard you fell back onto George. You heard a knock on the door and saw Ron with Harry. Ron and Harry barged in. "Guys the train stopped a long time ago we should probably head back." Harry said. You looked over at Ron who was glaring at you. You stopped laughing and decided to ignore it. "Come on lads." El said. George stood up and held his hand out for you. You grabbed his hand and got up. You smiled up at him as you interlocked hands.

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You arrived back to your dorm room with all your suitcases inside. "Alright bye guys!" You kissed George's cheek and shut the door behind you. "So you and George?" Ginny smirked. "Ginny gah! You scared me blimey!" You placed your hand on your chest.

"Trust me it's nothing." You said. "Mhm so that little kiss?" Ginny lingered on. "Was just a simple goodbye gesture." You began to unpack all your clothes and fold them back into your drawers. "Wait you kissed George on the cheek!" Hermione peaked her head out from the bathroom.

"Guys it was just me saying goodbye to George, no biggie." You shut your drawer and opened up the closet. You began hanging up your tops and bottoms. "Woah that's such a cute top you're gonna have to let me borrow that one day!" Ginny said. "Course you can." You smiled as you hung the shirt up.

"Cant believe we have a class soon." You sighed as you shut your closet door. "Yeah I men's we just got back and we already have to learn about how to turn a rat into a pencil." Ginny said sarcastically.

"And we wouldn't want to be late to our class since we've got fifteen minutes." Hermione said as she fixed her shirt. "Hey at least we get to go in our clothes." She said as she opened the door. You grabbed your wands and left for the door.

You guys headed to the common room and saw Ron and Harry along with Fred and George. "Hey guys, uh Fred and George what classes do you have?" You asked them. "Oh we've got Astronomy." George smiled. "Ooo lucky we've got transfiguration" You told George. "And speaking about that we better go before we're late." Ron added.

"He's right, see you around." George grabbed your hand and dapped you up. "Hey where'd you learn that from" You laughed thinking it was silly. "Elle showed it to Fred and then Fred showed me." George said. "Y/n come on we've seriously got to go." Hermione squeezed your hand. "Alright i'm coming i'm coming." You waved to George and left the common room.

୨⎯ transfiguration ⎯୧

"Ay whats up with you and my brother." Ron said as he copied down the notes on the board. "Nothing really, we've just been talking that's all." You continued to write in your book. "Yeah sure." You ignored Ron's comment and continued writing.

"Oi y/n!" Draco whispered. "What?" You looked over at him. "Try one of these." Draco handed you a chocolate. "Yeah like i'd trust you." You laughed and handed it back. "Oi look ill eat one with you." Draco grabbed one and ate it. "See i'm all fine. Now take this one and go on with it before I change my mind." Draco handed it back to you.

"Alright Alright thank you." You popped the chocolate in your mouth and sat back into your seat. You felt the room get really hot and you got very dizzy. You blacked out.

word count: 1332

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