chapter 12

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Jéan's pov

"Hey man" Louis Says opening the door for me

"Sorry I'm late"

"Not a problem we haven't even started" he says nodding I step into the house following Louis as he leads me to the rest, I see Jade standing stiff with a shocked look on her face and immediately I know she wasn't told about my coming

Well this isn't awkward

"Nice to see you again" I say smiling a little before looking down her outfit my eyes stay on her legs for a little to long wow I knew she was fit but her legs gosh

"Likewise sorry I wasn't told you were coming" her voice cuts off my thoughts

"No problem" she nods before excusing herself

"What would you like, beer wine water just help yourself everything is in the fridge" nodding I grab a bottle of water from the fridge taking a sip while the boys fuss around putting everything in place for dinner.

As if on que we hear footsteps coming down the stairs and all our attention is on them, first thing I notice is that Jade changed into skinny high waist jeans and simple white T-shirt on her left I noticed Miss Allen beside her in a yellow sundress

"Ahh don't you two look lovely my favorite girls" her cousin Marco says wrapping his hands around the girls lifting both up causing a string of laughter to envelope us

"Let's eat guys all this cooking and baking made me hungry" Louis calls out and we all get seated, Kim and Jade sat next go each other myself and Marco sat opposite them while the twins said at the head and end of the table.

"So because we are celebrating my beautiful favorite sister's birthday w.." Lucas gets caught off

"Lu I'm your only sister" she says chuckling

"Yes that's true, as I was saying since it's your birthday we prepared your favorite dishes seafood pasta, beef stew with fried rice, chicken alfeddo, lamb chops, tropical stirfry and for dessert chocolate croissants of course our signature cake and ur favorite secret ingredient smoothy also cookie dough Ice cream" he finished his announcement and u could see how happy Jade was it very clear that adored their little sister she was literally the pride of their family ever since I knew them

"One second I'll be right back" Miss Allen before leaving the table

"pouvez-vous la voir comment sa peau brille dans cette robe, ne me dérange pas si je la fais (can you see her how her skin glows in that dress, don't mind if I do her)" Lucas says

"Take that water and wash your flithy mouth and both of you eyes of my friend" she looks at both her brothers speaking in a low deadly voice

"Damn she reminds me of tante Louise (aunt Louise)" Marco Says laughing at the twins inwardly I smile because he said no lie

"Sorry to keep you waiting, so a little birdy told me these were your favorite so I hunted them down for you happy birthday love" I watch the exchange between the two ladies

"Ohh Mon amour you didn't have to merci beaucoup" jade hugs her tightly, it was really nice seeing this side of Jade I would be lying if I said my heart didn't flutter a bit when she acted this way

"Can I open it" she says looking at us for permission

"Of course" Marco says excitedly and immediately she rips the gift wrap off to reveal a red heart shaped box opening it up there were assorted chocolate inside

"No way, I can already hear my stomach screaming from the pain I'll get" she says laughing

"I'm guessing the little birdy is Marco Hein, because he got me these last time I was here thanks guys I really appreciate it" she says hugging both of them.

"So can we eat now" Lucas says grabbing everyone's attention

"Yes let's dig in" and we all served ourselves, the food was truly delicious reminded me of my childhood days when I used to go over to their house the Martin's family was truly gifted in cooking and baking.

Helena's pov

"I'm so full" I cry out

"Then stop eating, keep the rest tomorrow is another day" Marco says keeping up my plate with left over cake

"No but it's so delicious" I cry out again

"Lena that's a sin the food isn't running away don't over indulge you have work tomorrow" Lucas says seriously, he has always been this way well for good reason because tomorrow I'll be cry on his shoulder about how painful my stomach is

"Seeing as the both of you are beat you can take the day off don't worry about your work it will be taken care off" Jéan says before standing up to leave

"And once again thank you for inviting me Happy birthday once again Jade" he says before walking away with Marco

"Did you hear that Kim we get to eat more" I whisper bit unfortunately it was loud enough everyone could hear making them laugh

"Let's get these two to bed Lucas carry Kim" Louis says and that was the last thing I heard before dozing off.

Who else felt awkward during Jéan's pov haha anyway don't forget to vote and comment ♥️✨ thanks y'all Xx.

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