chapter 13

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Helena's pov

"Lucas !!!! Lucas !!!"

"Lena stop yelling into my ear" he says annoyed

"But it hurts so much" I wish I listened yesterday and eaten less

"I warned you so you'll have to tough it out"

"Not fair, I wanna go back to bed" i say and immediately I'm being carried as we head towards my room, he gently lays me down beside a sleeping Kim in case you are wondering it's just passed 8am so it's not that late in the day.

"Get some sleep you'll be better when you wake up" Lucas says kissing my forehead before leaving the room.

Few hours later

I could feel the heat from the sun rays meaning it's past morning my guess it's midday, stretching I get off the bed and walk straight to the bathroom. Lucas was right the sleep did help the pain stop which I'm really grateful for,I quickly tend to my business before showering about 30 minutes later I was ready to join the others but then there is a knock on me door.

"Permission" I yell out like old times and both my brothers walk into the room

"I half expected you to still be asleep" Louis jokes as they both walk in

"I wake up awhile ago I just wanted to get cleaned before joining you guys"

"Well Marco and Kim went out to get some food so we are all alone for now" Louis says flopping on my bed

"Did you enjoy yourself yesterday" Lucas says dragging me with him so I was lying between both of them on the bed

"I really really did thank so much guys I wasn't planning on celebrating but the two of you appeared and worked your twin magic as always I'm really grateful"

"You are welcome I mean you are our favorite sister after all"

"I'm your only sister Lucas" I reprimand him chuckling

"I know Lena we just really love you" he says kissing my cheek

"I love you guys too I mean you are my favorite twin brothers"

"That we are" they say at the same causing all three of us to chuckle

"I missed these moments"

"We did so too" Louis say before silence envelopes us

"So none of you is going to tell me how Jéan happened to be here yesterday without my knowledge"

"Well I mean he is your boss but first a close family friend so why not invite him by the way it way Marco's idea and we thought is Kim was coming then why not him"

"Of course it was his idea, Kim and Jéan are not the same people and you guys should have told me still if not for anything at least for a head up" I say slightly annoyed

"Why do you sound defensive about this has anything happened between you both" Lucas asks seating up do does Louis so they were both looking at me at the same time

"Guys please don't pull that your twin interogation look on me, and no nothing has happened Infact yester he took me out even got me a necklace for my birthday present I .."

"He took you out and we are only finding out now" the both say

" Keep up guys yes he took me out for a breakfast dessert it was so delicious, and you should see the necklace" I say drifting away

"Ohhh really, Louis do you also see what's going on"

"Dear twin brother I do" he replies

"Huh!! What is this you see" I say looking at them suspiciously

"Nothing, nothing at all"

"Vraiment (Really)"

"Oui oui, Now about thé necklace I would love to see it right Lucas"

Thanks for reading my story♥️ plz don't forget to vote and comment ♥️ thanks y'all Xx.

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