chapter 14

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Jéan's pov

"Bonjour papa" I say into my laptop screen once see his incoming zoom call

" Son how are you doing" he says with a wide smile and I could feel the warmth spread to me

"Very well yourself" I didn't really need to ask because I good see he was in good health

"As good as I could be son, I hope you know yesterday was Lena's birthday" he questions in a serious tone

"Oui papa, I was even at her birthday dinner last night"

"Great son I'm glad you didn't forget such a special day, she is a special kind son I know she has been in your mind since you both could crawl so treat her nicely with respect am I clear" I have heard this so many times I am hundred percent sure once Jade becomes his daughter in-law he will spoil her like she was his daughter

"Yes papa I have heard all this before and yes I do treat her with respect, she is my employee after all so.." I was cut off

"And hopefully my future daughter in-law" she says grinning I was about to answer when a knock interupts me

"Come in" I say and immediately Jade walk in smiling shyly at me

"Good morning Jade, how can I help you" I say returning her smile once dad hears me his face lights up

"Is that Jade may I please speak to her" he says all too eagerly, I give her a look she returns it with a nod and I signal her to come closer so she can see his face

"Ahhh ma chérie (My sweetheart) it's been too long, I see you have forgotten your dear old Uncle"

"Of course not, I saw you the day before I left France Uncle we literally spent the whole day together dad had to drag me home" she laugh making my father's face brighten up even more

"Ahh I do remember, your dad is quite selfish he doesn't want to share you with anyone" he frowns

"Well Uncle I have literally 4 men in my life fighting my attention between you dad, then the twins I don't know who is more demanding so it's expected for someone to be greedy" she says as a matter of fact

"Well what can we do you have always been our princess you are literally the only female in the family well excluding your mom of course"

"Sadly yes hopefully sooner rather than later there will be a grand-daughter in the house" she chuckles dad eyes me be responding

"You will still be our princess" he literally coos with love sometimes he acts like she is his child and I'm the cousin

"Thanks Uncle"

"Anytime now don't be a stranger check up in your old Uncle once in awhile D'accord I'll make sure he doesn't over work you"

"I will uncle and Jéan has been nothing but kind and understanding to me" she defends me throwing a wink my way which of course my father's watchful eyes catches and he grins. How does his face not hurt with all that smiling he has been doing?

"I know dear just pulling his legs,I hope you had a wonderful day"

"Yes I really did it was quite eventful" she says giving me a side way glance

"Ahh that's great I head the twins were down there"

"Yes they were I was very surprised though I'm sad they had to leave soon" I could see she wasn't so happy about their departure but I also know they had to leave because they had a lot to do back home

"At least they made it chérie, I have to go now don't forget to call both of you" he warns as we say goodbye before hanging up

"Sorry about him he can be a bit over bearing at times" I say feeling a little embarrassed

"Please that's nothing with my dad and brothers I have it worse and i don't mind, your dad is like a second father to me" she smiles well no wonder dad can't keep shut about her

"I wish I didn't miss seeing you grow up, we would still be so close we were literally inseparable once upon a time"

"We can't change the past your dad had his reasons for sending away, the past is the past we can always work together and become close again" she reasons

"I would like that" i smile and she returns it with the same energy

"Well before your dad interupted me I came to ask you if you would like to change anything in the contract with the charity they would be coming in tomorrow"

"Ahh No i revisited it and all seems to be in place"

"Alright then I have to go now see you later, and the twins were quite pleased with my present" she winks closing the door behind her

What do y'all think about Jéan's father?. Thanks to y'all who are reading my stories ♥️ pls don't forget to vote and comment ♥️.

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