chapter 5

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Helena's pov

My first day was actually amazing so far, when I decided to study business administration this is the out come I expected and I will forever be grateful for this opportunity.

"Dear you can take a lunch break you have been on that for hours" Susie says standing by door

"Ohh it's already lunch time, I didn't realize I have been so engrossed" letting a small laugh

"I totally understand dear, when you are passionate about something it makes you are ease though one should never overdo it"

"Of course mee'm" I say she nods giving me one last smile before leaving

Because I was in a hurry I wasn't able to make lunch, I really don't know where I will go so I decided to call up Marco for advice

"Hello cuz" I say once he picks up

"Missing me already?"

"You wish, I actually wanted to ask if you know a place I could get lunch"

"Yes just down the road is a Starbucks"

"Ohh perfect just what I needed thanks cuz" I say hanging up the phone I quickly grabbed my purse and phone leaving my office.

Just 2 blocks down there was a Starbucks as Marco said, I gladly enter already knowing what to get.

"Hi Miss what can I get you" the brasista says

"Hi can I please have a caramel frappuccino and a mini grilled cheese and ham toastie"

"That would be $11.25" he says and I quickly pay stepping aside to allow the people behind get assistance.

About 10 minutes later I am walking back towards my work place, as I step in i bump into some, thinking fast I secure my lunch before it falls

"You should be more careful Helena" he who you know says

"I'm sorry Jéan" I side step him walking towards the elevator which takes me to my designated floor.

The rest of my day went on without any distractions, I was currently packing up to leave the office.

"Dear, stop by Jéan's office before leaving"

"Alright Susie thanks" giving her a quick hug I proceed to the 20th floor

"Hi mee'm I was told Mr Macron wants to see me"

"Yes dear, just walk in" the elderly lady says"ohh dear please call me Roni no need for mee'm"

"Only if you call me Lena" I say smiling

"Not a problem dear, now don't waste more time he is waiting" nodding I walk away

Jéan's pov

"You asked for me" she says stepping into my office

"Good day to you too, I wanted to know how your first day was" asking her while typing away on my laptop

"It was better than expected, nothing to complain about"

"That's good then, remember if you need anything don't hesitate"

"Thanks Jéan, I'll be on my way now see you tomorrow"

"Of course, good bye Helena" once she left I drove back to work.

Helena's pov

"Marco!!" I yelled as I stepped into the house

"I know you missed me, doesn't mean you have to yell" rolling his eyes but still embraced me

"Whatever, how was your day"

"All I can say is those professors want to kill us" he says groaning

"Trust me I understand what you are going through, but look on the bright side you are almost done" I say pulling him down on the couch resting my head on his shoulder

"Yea yea enough about me, how was your day" he says wiggling his eyes at me which makes me laugh

"Nothing happened Marco, but the work was so fun and everyone was so nice"

"Seriously Jade, that's all" he says looking bored

"What do you want me to say nothing happened cuz"

"My text books are more interesting than your day" I slightly punched him on his arms

"Just saying" he continues laughing at me

"Haha very funny" I say rolling my eyes"what is for dinner am starving"

"I was a about to make Chicken Alfredo before you walked in"

"Hmmmm yes please, I'll quickly go and change then help you" I say grabbing my bag heading towards my bedroom.

Sorry this is short guys I just got a new phone since mine was stolen so I just decided to publish this part I wrote before the incident happened 🙇anyways thanks to y'all who are reading my story 🙏. Plz don't forget to vote and comment😁. Stay safe y'all 🌹♥️

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