chapter 8

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Helena's pov

"So what have you got planned for your birthday"

"Honestly Kim I have no idea, if I was back home my brothers would have everything under control" I say sadly

"Hey cheer up, how about we have a sleepover today then come in to work tomorrow together" she says smiling widely

"A sleepover on a work night...hmmm I haven't ever been to a sleepover" I confused feeling a little embarrassed

"Ohhh perfect this will be your first sleepover I'm so excited" he says squealing

"Thanks for telling the whole office"

"Oups, sorry about that" she says with her voice filled with laughter

"Sure you are... anyways I have to go I'll meet you at reception after work" with one last hug I proceeded back to my office to finish up the day's work

"Dear please can you email the charity that we need a representative on Friday concerning the contract" she says poking her head into my office

"Of course Susie" through out the day I was engrossed in my work I only realized the time when I needed water.

"Oh Mon Dieu (oh My God)!! Kim will eat me alive" I say as I quickly pack up my things sprinting towards the elevator, as it when down I silently prayed she would understand.

"Ohhh so you decided not to ditch me" if she was a cartoon you would see stem coming out of her ears

"Mon amour (My love), I completely lost track of time am sorry" I say hugging her tightly

"I....I can't breathe" she says causing me to giggle" because you spoke in French you are forgiven" this caused an eye roll from

"Let's get going am sure my cousin is waiting for me" dragging her by the hands we walk into the parking lot. Before I drove away I sent Kim my address via text and sent Marco a message that I was coming home.


"You don't have to yell my name you know" he says chuckling

"You didn't answer my text so I was worried" I say giving him a quick hug

"Yes sorry about that I was busy in the kitchen"

"I can tell it smells amazing in here, ohh a friend from work is coming over for a sleepover"

"Nice, is this friend a he or she" he asks with a small frown

"This 'friend' is a she and her name is Kim"

"Great then let me finish up in the kitchen before she goes here, while you go freshen up"

"On it, I could do with a shower if Kim get here before am done please open up for her" grabbing my bag I walk into my bedroom, stripping down to nothing I hop into the shower.

"Hmmmmm now this is heaven" I mummur to myself, not in a hurry I take my time washing my hair and body letting the almost hot water touch every part of my body allowing my tense muscles relax.

About 30 minutes later I was down and head back to the lounge

"Took you long enough" Marco says as I settle into the couch Kim was on

"Whatever,... Hope you didn't have a had time finding my house"

"Of course not, actually you live about 5 minutes away from me"

"Really!! I can see you being here more often in the future"
I say chuckling making her laugh

"You bet" she says with a wide smile

"If you are done with your sister romance can we please eat" as those words left his mouth my stomach grumbled in response to him

"Tais-toi Marco (shut up Marco)" as I walk to the dinning table I could eat them laughing at me causing me to roll my eyes but still had a small smile on my face.

"So what have you made for dinner"

"Thai fried rice with beef stew and pickled veggies" opening the lids of the plates as he spoke


"Yum"  Kim and I say at the same time

"Glad to see y'all are pleased, now settle down let's eat"  he says with a wide smile

Through out the dinner we made small talk as both Marco and I got to know about Kim and her family, I was more than excited to have a friend of color I was always fascinated by their hair and my I say Kim's hair is absolutely amazing and let's not even talk about her skin it's so beautiful like caramel and chocolate mixed together. At first when she spoke toe I wasn't expecting us to grow this close but it turns out we love many things about each other and for some reason I feel like I have known her forever, am sure my mom would absolutely fall in love with Kim is they met, hopefully it happens sooner than later.

"So what will you guys do while I am out" he says before sipping his orange juice

"Netflix and chill" Kim says with a shurg

"Well you really don't have much of an option since it's a work night, hopefully during the weekend we can actually have some fun" Marco says

"Yes please, I can see this girl over here is in need to can tell because it's written all over her face" Kim says while both she and Marco laugh at me

"Haha, whatever"  standing up from my seat I gather up the used plates while Marco and Kim cleared up the table, after washing them I placed them into the dishwasher, turning in time to see Kim placing the left overs in the fridge and Marco wiping the table with a cloth.

"All done" he says, I look at my watch noticing that he has about 2 and a half hours before he leaves

"Hey let's watch a movie together before you leave"

"No problem, you ladies choose the movie while I bring snacks and drinks" Kim and I make our way to the lounge, switching to Netflix we decide to watch the latest Jumaji. The movie was good but I have no idea when I slept off, or when Marco left or if we even finished the movie.

Thanks to y'all who are reading my story 🤗. Plz don't forget to vote and comment 😁🙏 stay safe y'all 🌹♥️

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