chapter 9

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Helena's pov

" *HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!*" some people shouted in my ear causing me to scream in fear

"Hey hey calm down it's just us" Marco said

"What do you mean calm down your scared the hell out of me" trying to gather my breath I look around at the faces and that was when I realized both my brothers smiling widely at me

"No way, guys how did you get here and when did you get her" I say as tears roll down my face

"Hey little sis don't cry, we decided to surprise you since it is your first birthday without us" Louis says hugging me tightly

"How though"

"Well it was all Marco's idea he got us the quickest tickets and we actually arrived at 1am he picked us up after his classes, when we arrived you were already asleep with your friend so we decided to wait till this morning to surprise you" Lucas explained

"Les gars, vous avez fait tout cela pour moi, merci beaucoup, vous m'avez vraiment manqué.(Guys you did all that for me, thanks so much I really missed you.)" wiping my tears I hugged both of my brothers tightly before hugging Marco too who was equally smiling widely

"Now that's done, won't you introduce us to your friend" for the first time I looked over at Kim who was half asleep half smiling

"Lucas Louis this is my friend and co-worker Kim Hazel, Kim meet my twin brother"

"Nice to meet you both, Lena speaks highly about you both" Kim says shyly

"The pleasure is ours joile femme (pretty Lady)" they both say at the same time causing Kim to blush more furiously, because well they spoke in French and that is her weak point

"What about Papa and Maman"

"Because this was short notice they could make it but they sent presents for you, and also expect a video call soon" Lucas explains

"No problem I understand"

"Wait what is the time" Kim asks

"Almost 6am" Marco calls out as he heads towards the kitchen

"I guess that is out que to go get ready for work" I say fighting the yawn about to escape my lips

"You do your thing we'll fix breakfast" nodding I grab Kim's hand and we head to my room

"Why didn't you give me a heads up that your brothers look like Greek gods " she says spanking my upper arm slightly

"How would I know they look like Greek gods they are my brothers and what I know is they are annoying as hell"

"Still you could have given a girl heads up" chuckling I walk into the my bathroom but stop when I hear a high pitch scream from Kim

"What the hell Kim" I ask with a racing heart

"I look like a dead rate I wonder what they thought about me" looking at me through the mirror I bust out laughing

"Seriously Kim, you almost gave me a heart attack but to put your mind at ease they both called you pretty Lady"

"Really!!!" she asks

"Yes chérie (sweetheart)" was that last thing I said before turning on the shower. While I took a shower Kim brushed the teeth and decided to use the bath, once we were both done with our morning routine we changed into our different work outfits.

"Meet us at the dinning once you are done" I call out before leaving the room while Kim finishes up on her makeup

"Hmmmmm Marco my nostrils are praising you right now" I say walking up to him

"Well it's your birthday so nothing but the best for my favorite cousin" he says winking before focusing on his flapjacks

"We heard that Marc" Lucas call out causing the three of us to laugh.

"Lena where is Kim"

"She is still busy with her makeup, to be honest she was quite spoked at how she looked in front of the 'twin Greek gods' as she referred to you both" I say chuckling

"Poor girl, she has no idea what she has gotten herself into" Marco says beside me and just then Kim shyly walks into the kitchen/dinning room

"Morning again" she greets my brothers before taking a seat next to Lucas

"I'm guessing you are more aware of your surroundings now" Louis asks

"Y.... yes I am, I.... was was just caught off guard" she stutters as she was intimidated by the stares of my brothers

"Les garçons, s'il vous plaît, contrôlez-vous, ne voyez-vous pas qu'elle tremble presque avec la façon dont vous la regardez (Boys please control yourselves can't you see she is almost shaking with the way you are looking at her)" I call out over my shoulder although Kim didn't understand I noticed her visibly relax

"Food is ready" and immediately both my brothers shoot out of their seat ready to devour the food but before they could eat plate I made sure to take out food for both Kim and I .

Once we were done with breakfast and my brothers both had their fair share of making Kim blush, we both left the boys for work with a promise to meet up during lunch.

"Bye sis bye Kim see you both at during lunch" Lucas calls out before I shut the door close

"I have never blushed so much in my life,I can actually feel that my face is much hotter than normal" she says releasing a breath, I laugh at her expense before we both climb into our different cars driving towards work

Thanks to y'all who are reading my story 🤗😊. Plz don't forget to vote and comment 😁🙏 stay safe y'all 🌹♥️

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