chapter 6

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Helena's pov

The rest of the week went somewhat ok, I am still getting used to things thankfully I had Susie around because if not by now I would be going crazy, not really but you get my point. I have hardly seen Jéan but I know the Susie has been reporting back to him hopefully good things.

"A penny for your thoughts cuz" I heard Marco say

"Ohh you're back.. well I was just thinking about work nothing much"

"Is it work or the person you work for"  he says with a smirk

"Well since you're so nosy I'll tell you, it's actually both I didn't expect there to be so much work hopefully whatever Susie reported to Jéan is positive" I say with a small frown

"Don't beat yourself up for what it's worth I know you are amazing with your work because you are passionate about your job and you will get the hang of it , I'm also sure that Susie has only positive things to say" he says joining me on the porch swing

"Thanks cuz, I really needed that" he gives me a quick hug which makes me smile

"So what have you got planned for your birthday"

"Hmmmm I really don't know Marco, if I was back home the twins would sort it out but right now I'm so lost I really wish they were here"

"Okkkkky do you have an idea of what you want"

" If you can bring my family then I'll be fine, instead I really don't want anything else" I say chuckling a bit

"If I could you know I would" he says and I nod because I know he would do anything for me.

"I know cuz" I say before resting my head on his shoulder, for awhile we were enveloped by silence the only thing that could be heard was our breathing, each of us lost in our thoughts

"I want to go to the movies" Marco says after what felt like ages

"Why would you want to do that when we have Netflix" I ask with my left brow raised

" Its not the same thing cuz" he says laughter laced in his voice

"Well I guess there is no harm going, let me go change I'll be back in 10 minutes"

I speed walked to my room, quickly changing into black jeans and a white golf t-shirt, applying a bit of concealar, mascara and nude lipstick I grabbed my white Nike Air Force  , a black denim and a side bag which had my phone, purse and little essentials before leaving my room.

"You clean up good" Marco says laughing at me putting on my shoes

"tais-toi (shut up)" I say still busy putting on my shoes

"Whatever you say, at least you stuck to 10 minutes"

"Yea yea, now let's go am actually excited about this" dragging his hands we exit the house not before ensuring everything was off and locked.

"Wanna drive"

"Yes please" tossing him the keys I head to the passenger door

The drive to the cinema was about 15 minutes long, I wasn't even aware we had a cinema so close by but then again I have been busy with work so yeah it makes sense I didn't know about it. Marco parked the car and we both stepped out.

"What movie do you want to watch"I asked

"Hmm not sure, what mood are you in"

"Action definitely" I was not in the mood to watch any sub stroy or romance

"Then let's try  Extraction" he say looking at me

"Not a bad decision..... alright let's go get to tickets and food"

Once we  collected our food and tickets we proceed to the theater

"Now I know what goes to your hips" Marco says under his breath

"tais-toi Marco (shut up Marco), food is Bea I won't deprive myself of food to please others it's my money and body so I can eat what I want" I say smiling widely

"I don't doubt that cuz, some girls should learn from you by the way you look great in any outfit that's why Jéan can't keep his eyes to himself" he says walking away quickly leaving me gaping like a cool

"I'll get you back cuz" I say under my breath before walking in, I quickly spotted Marco before the lights went off indicating the movie was about to start.

"Hey" the guy beside me says few minutes I to the movie but I ignore him

"Hi there" he says again but I also ignore him

"Hmmmm hi"

"Yes, is there a problem"

"Ohh no I just wanted to say you are pretty" he says quickly looking away

"Uhmm thanks I guess" well that was awkward that's the reason I don't rely to certain people, at least all through the movie he didn't disturb me thankfully

"Well that was good" Marco says stretching by my side

"What do you expect Chris Hemsworth is in it so of course the movie would be good" I say chuckling

"Haha you do have a point, do you want to watch another movie or get food"

"It depends if there is any movie I would like to watch"

"Let's go check then" walking up to the list with movies available , we decided on two movies

"Ohk it's between Men in Black and Malificent"

"I love me some Chris so I'll go for Men in Black"

"I'm down for that" he says and we make our way to buy tickets and extra food, while Marco paid I settled on one of the chairs

"Hi there again"  the awkward guy that sat next to me in the theater says

"You again, is there a problem" I ask frowning

"Well not really, but I would really like to get your numbers if you don't mind"

"Actually I do mind and I have a boyfriend" I say pointing at Marco who was now walking towards us

"You know what he really doesn't need to know"

"Excuse me, are you implying I should cheat on my boyfriend who is walking towards me" I say loudly and this earns a brow lift from Marco causing me to wink to make sure he gets the idea

"What Is going on here" Marco say wrapping his hands around my waist

"He is asking for my numbers even after I  told him I have a boyfriend" I say forging annoyance

"That is not what I meant" the guy says slowly walking back

"Are you implying I am lying to my boyfriend" I ask frowning

He just speed walked away from us without saying anything  which caused Marco and I to bust out laughing

"Poor guy, he was so scared, couldn't you see he likes you Lena" Marco say after he caught his breath

" I know he approached me while we were in the theater, but I'm not interested" I say shrugging

"Yes because your eyes are on someone else" he says wiggling his eyebrows

"Whatever, let's go before the movie starts" I say walking towards the 2nd theater with Marco hot on my heels

Thanks to y'all  who are reading my story 🤗. Plz don't forget to vote and comment 😁🙏stay safe y'all 🌹♥️

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