chapter 4

9 2 0

Helena's pov


"For the hundredth time Marco I'm coming so stop yelling my name" I shout back quickly stuffing my phone and necessities into my black handbag

"And for the hundredth time you are going to be late, that so on your first day" Marco sarcastically replys back as I walk into the lonuge, I roll my eyes because that was exactly what my mom would say.

"Thank goodness you had your breakfast before bathing, now run along it's almost 9am" with a quick hug and kisses on both his cheeks I rush out the door excited and terrified about this new start.

Opening up the black BMW daddy bought for my transportation i drive out off the garage heading to work, just so you know  my lateness is totally on Marco, he decided late yesterday evening he wanted to show me around and knowing Marco we got back at almost 12am then decided to watch a movie and play games till 2am leaving me with less than 4 hours of sleep, not going to lie though Marco is a whole lot of fun, but still I am in this current situation because of him and let's leave out the fact that me and time have a complicated relationship.

Sighing and letting out a low chuckle I continued to follow the GPS as it led me to my new work place, I drove into the parking lot after I gave my name to the security and I was given a parking space to my relief.

With only 2 minutes before it's 9 am, I literally sprinting put of my car I press a lock button on the car keys which locks the car, the light flash and quick sound signals it was locked. Going through the door with a huge exit above it I walk straight to what I assume is the reception.

"Morning am Helena Martin the new intern" I said looking at the brunette in front of me

"Mr Macron is waiting for you in the 20th floor, don't keep him waiting you are already late" she spits out returning to whatever she was doing before I interupted her

To my dismay the available elevator was packed and it stopped on at least 10 floors before reaching the 20th floor, quickly glancing at my watch it reads 09:15 am

"Ma parole (my word), I'm so going to get it" I sigh mumbling understand my breath as I exit the elevator

"You must be Helena Martin" an elderly lady says

"Yes I am"

"Just take a left he is waiting for you" I smile  breathing out a thank you then head towards the direction she pointed at and almost immediately I am faced with a dark brown door with the incravings of CEO Mr Macron on it, I allowed myself few breaths before turning the handle to step in.

Jéan's pov

Did I expect her to be late of course, so I wasn't shocked when she came in about 20 minutes past 9, was I pleased absolutely not I expect nothing but the best from all my employees.

"Glad you finally decided to grace us with your presence" I said looking down at the busy streets of New York

"Bonjour monsieur (good morning sir) i apologize for my lateness, I assure you this won't repeat itself" she says

"I surly hope it doesn't, now take a seat we have things to discuss" turning my chair to face her as she settles into a chair in front of my desk barley making eye contact

"I already informed Susie about your internship, she is the head of the administration department making her the best person to supervise you during your stay" looking at her as I spoke she justs nods

"I'm sure you read the terms and conditions and also the contract that regards your job?"

"Yes I did, I have no complaint"

"Alright thenthat was easier than expected, now if you will follow me" standing up I walked out of my office towards the elevator, we both waited a bit for it to open up once it did we were taken to the 15th floor where she would be working

"Good morning Jéan" Susie says

"Morning Su, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me Jéan" I say forging annoyance

"Many times dear but by now you should know me, telling me that everytime we meet won't change anything" she says chuckling

"Of course it wouldn't, anyways this is Helena Martin the new intern" I say looking between both women

" Ohh yes of course, was wondering when she would be coming in" this makes Helena to shift uncomfortably on both foots

"Hi am Susie Bachor but you can call me Susie"

"Hi Susie, it's a pleasure to meet you" Helena accept the hand Susie has stretched  with a smile

"Now the introductions are done, Susie will show you what you everything related to your job and she will report back to me every Monday on your performance" I say looking directly at Helena

"Of course sir" she replys with a smile, she really does look like her mom I thought nodding I turn to leave about to leave before I realize she still needs to sign the contract

"Ohhh Miss Martin, just a moment please I still need you to sign your contract then you can start" she nods walking up to me while I hold the elevator open for her before stepping in assending back up.

Once she was down signing her contract I say" I am aware that we have are more than just boss and employee relationship,I also have a responsibility over you but that should not give you are reason to be  unprofessional, am I clear Miss Martin"

"Bien sûr (of course) that won't be a problem"

"You may leave"I watch as she strides out of my office her red bottoms clicking in her wake then with one last smile she disappeared.

Thanks to y'all who are reading my story 🙈. Plz don't forget to vote and comment 🙏. Stay safe y'all 🌺♥️

My Freedom My DesireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora